Page 47 - EN-Youth Report
P. 47
Improving youth situation in Northwestern Syria
Based on ideas coming directly from youth, and to adopt a bottom-up programming approach lead by
the benefiting communities. We have asked the 2 questions, with one open-ended answers, and one
close-ended set of answers, to be able to compresence all suggestions that youth might be thinking about
to improve their situation.
First, We asked about the main issues that should be addressed as a priority, and dealing with
unemployment had 27% of the answers ,then 23% answered that improving security situation is their
second priority, investment in developing local communities became third with 13% of answers , equally
with increasing access to education with 13% , and finally, social awareness with the importance of youth
empowerment and their inclusion in society came with 7%.
In the open-ended question part, 10% pointed out to the importance of youth inclusion in social structures,
local governance and decision-making process in their communities. 22% suggested provision of work
opportunities as one of the main elements to improve the situation of youth.
10% suggested that improvement of infra-structure (basic services, water, electricity, transportation),
would decrease the amount of suffering that youth are facing daily.
21% requested more youth support initiatives and support for small livelihoods projects to help them in
achieving their goals. Similarly, 17% indicated that the establishment of youth and cultural centers would
be important, as they provide a safe environment for youth to talk about their ideas and their dreams.
And to gain the necessary skillset to launch their projects. And finally, 15% referred to the importance of
providing higher education for youth, so that they can peruse their education path and be able to build
a career with good earnings. And to be able to achieve their potential.
Community awareness
about the importance of 7 Investment in developing
youth inclusion 13 local communities
% %
13 Improving access to
Provide job
opportunities %
27 Improving security