Page 153 - Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
P. 153
Portions of this book are based on the United Nations Exhibit, “When You Listen to a Witness, You Become a Witness,” Created by Eli Rubenstein and Lara Silberklang; Designed by Sara Jaskiel; Chief Advisor and Associate Creator: Dr. David Machlis; Academic Advisor: Dr. David Silberklang
Photographic Credits
Nir Bareket (26, 114, 115), Jacek Bendarczyk/EPA (81), Rikki Bennie (78), Sergey Bermeniev (13), Francois Blanc, Banff Technologies (19), Ryan Blau (22, 23, 66, 88, 96, 140 top, 143),
Eli ben Boher (63, 80), Laina Brown (122, 123), Lior Cohen (73), Monique de St. Croix (55, 91, 94, 95), Ariella Daniels/Living Legacy Experience (80), Jen Freedman (120), Jesse Gold (58), Rosemary Goldhar (31, 32, 33, 84, 99, 138 left, 140 bottom), Film #Marcha, Director Marcos Gorban (vi), Naomi Harris (78), Igal Hecht (85, 87, 126), Natasha Hossack (125), Eynat Katz (48, 70), Kenigswein Family (48), Christopher Le (131), Adele Lewin (79), March of
the Living (25, 45), Dafna Lorber (21, 26, 113), Moshe Milner
(90), Katka Reszke (50, 51, 52), Emmanuel Santos (28), Michael Soberman (83), David Sondervan (129), Manuel F. Sousa (106), Tomek Steppa (41), Dominique Teoh (69), USC Shoah Foundation (ii, 119), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [USHMM] (10, 11, 121), USHMM, courtesy of Beit Hannah Senesh (41), Yad Vashem (12, 13, 41, 142), Sally Wasserman (93), Elad Winkler (42, 92), Naomi Wise (130), Yonatan Zaid (53), Yossi Zeliger (front cover, 20, 24, 30, 38, 46, 49, 53, 59, 60, 64, 68, 72, 73, 82, 86, 97, 98, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138 right, 139), Bonnie Zipursky (54)
Additional Book Credits
For You Who Died I Must Live On: Reflections on the March of the Living, Eli Rubenstein (ed.), Mosaic Press, 1993
Liberating the Ghosts: Photographs and Texts from the March of the Living, Raphael Shevelev and Karen Schomer, Lenswork Publishing, 1996
Special Thanks to the International March of the Living Board of Directors
Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, President
Dr. Shmuel Rosenman, Chairman
Baruch Adler Shlomo Grofman Mark Moskowitz Scott Saunders Shimon Yarel
International March of the Living Staff
Executive Staff: Yossi Kedem, Dr. David Machlis, Aharon Tamir Support Staff: Liz Sinnreich Panitch, Naomi Sion
Survivors, Righteous Among the Nations
& Liberators Featured
Trudy Album (91), Asher Aud (90), Halina Birenbaum (72), Teddy Bolgar (98), Lillian Boraks-Nemetz (79), Friedrich Born (37), Alex Buckman (55), Rick Carrier (128), Judy Weissenberg Cohen (78), Jeffery Cymbler (59), Feliks Cywinski (48), Mickey Dorsey (127), Ella Ehrmann (96), Ernest Ehrmann (66), Max Eisen (70), Anita Ekstein (33, 97), Robert Engel (119), Anne Frank (41), Eva Gelbman (99), Max Glauben (63), Bill Glied (87), Joe Gottenker (54),