Page 154 - Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
P. 154
Elly Gotz (122–125), Mademoiselle Andrée Geulen (55), Sylvia Ruth Gutmann (68, 82), Pinchas Gutter (64), Anna Heilman (26), Max Illand (83), Shmuel Kenigswein (48), Gerda Weissmann Klein (121), Lieutenant Kurt Klein (121), Janusz Korczak (45), Olga Kost (53), Jerzy Kozminski (46), Bronka Krygier (42), Rabbi Israel Meir Lau (94), Nate Leipciger (73, 84, 85), Faigie Libman (58, 131), Frank Lowy (69), Carl Lutz (37), Joe Mandel (126), Hilbert Margol (129), Edward Mosberg (cover, 60), Sol Nayman (80), Tadeusz Orzeszko (71), Angela Orosz (120), Giorgio Perlasca (37), Zygmunt Pietak (48), Krystyna Puchalski-Maciejewskai (52), Sigmund Rolat (52), Irving Roth (30), Angelo Rotta (37), Mayer Schondorf (86), Rena Schondorf (88), Hannah Senesh (41), Irena Sendler (37), Eva Shainblum (118), David Shentow (73), Stefania Sitbon (48), Eva and Mikolaj Turkin (93), Robbie Waisman (94–95), Raoul Wallenberg (37), Sally Wasserman (92–93), Ernie Weiss (78), Elie Wiesel (13), Krystyna Wituska
(41), Antonina and Jan Zabinski (48), Czelawa Zak (53), Miriam Zakrojczyk (53), Felix Zandman (49), Miriam Ziegler (130), Petronela and Wladyslaw Ziolo (54), Sidney Zoltak (50–51)
The testimonies of many of the survivors who appear in this book are available online at:
March of the Living Digital Archives Project and the USC Shoah Foundation Archives
and by accessing the USC Shoah Foundation or the Digimarc digital watermarks on selected pages. Special thanks to BlueSoho for their dedicated work with this emerging technology.
March of the Living Digital Archives, a project of Jewish Federations Canada-UIA, has received funding from: Department of Citizenship & Immigration Canada – Multiculturalism Section, The Claims Conference, and Laura & Dennis Bennie.
Thank you to
Yad Vashem, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Polin: The Museum of the History of Polish Jews, and the USC Shoah Foundation for their significant assistance. Also to
Dr. David Silberklang for his patient and expert advice, and to Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen for her wise suggestions.
Additional Support
Alvin Abrams, Nancy Ditkofsky, Shira Gelkopf, Michael Hirsh, Linda Kislowicz, Roberta Malam, Ali Newpol, Dr. Karen Palayew, Sherri Rotstein, Alana Saxe, Ralph Shedletsky Michael Soberman, Sherrie Stalarow, Irene Tomaszewski, Shauna Waltman, Naomi Wise, Carla Wittes, Evan Zelikovitz
To all the staff at Second Story Press
Margie Wolfe, Publisher
Kathryn Cole and Carolyn Jackson, Editors
Melissa Kaita, Design
Thank you for your tireless effort and dedication in producing this book.
Special Note of Gratitude
Mordechai Ben-Dat and Christina Mairin
Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of people, young and old alike, survivors, teachers, and students of all faiths and backgrounds, for embarking on this difficult and sacred pilgrimage and for your faith and belief that the world can – and indeed must – learn from this most tragic period of human history.