Page 115 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 115
109– Word order
171 Rewrite each underlined sentence using the adverb in brackets.
Andy and Jane came home from shopping on Saturday to find their house had been burgled.
A police officer has come to investigate the crime.
officer: You say you’re not sure how the thieves got in. Before I look round, can I ask you a
few questions about the house?
andy: Of course.
officer: (1) Do you lock the front door when you go out? (always)
Do you always lock the front door when you go out?
andy: (2) Yes, and I locked it yesterday. (definitely)
Yes, and I definitely locked it yesterday.
officer: OK. What about the windows?
andy: (3) Well, the downstairs ones are locked. (always)
jane: (4) We have a lock on the little one in the hall. (even)
officer: And upstairs?
jane: (5) Well, I think most of the windows were locked. (probably)
andy: (6) They were locked on Friday. (all)
jane: Are you sure?
andy: (7) Yes, I knew we would be out all day, so I checked them all. (both)
officer: And you didn’t open any on Friday night?
andy: (8) No, I didn’t. (certainly)
officer: Well, let’s have a look round.
172 Answer the questions using the words in brackets.
1 What does Tim have for breakfast? (has muesli with yogurt + usually)
He usually has muesli with yogurt .
2 Why did James leave the party so early? (was getting bored + probably)
He was probably getting bored .
3 Does Maggie go to a gym regularly? (doesn’t belong to one + even)
She .
4 What does Saskia think of your new apartment? (has been there + never)
She .
5 Do you know where Maya might be? (has a few days off at this time of year + often)
She .
6 How is Keith getting on with his assignment? (has finished it + almost)
He .
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises 107