Page 60 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 60

       26–35      Modals: review

            86    Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.
                   1  In most countries motorcyclists must  wear a helmet                              .
                   2  I nearly missed the first class this morning.  I should have                     .
                   3  I decided I didn’t like the shoes I’d bought, but luckily I was able to          .
                   4  The shops are always terribly crowded on Saturdays, so I may                     .
                   5  Politicians ought not to                                                         .
                   6  Some people dislike flying, so they might                                        .
                   7  Most people pass their driving test first time, so it can’t                      .
                   8  I don’t know why my brother hasn’t phoned.  He may have                          .
                   9  If you really want to get fit, you should                                        .
                  10  When the price of petrol rose sharply, many people had to                        .
                  11  Can you imagine travelling before the invention of railways?  It must have       .
                  12  Commuter trains are often overcrowded, and people aren’t able to                 .
                  13  I could                                 when I was ten, but I couldn’t
                  14  That girl looks as if she’s lost.  We’d better                                   .

            87    Read this notice.  Then complete the advice for people who are coming to your school or
                  place of work.

                    Information for newcomers to London Language School

                     • You shouldn’t miss lessons.
                     •  You should bring your laptop
                      if you have one.
                     • You mustn’t be late for class.
                     •  You must switch your phone off
                      during lessons.
                     • You needn’t bring a dictionary.
                     • You don’t have to take any exams.

                      Information for newcomers
                      1  You shouldn’t                                                             .
                      2  You should                                                                .
                      3  You mustn’t                                                               .
                      4  You must                                                                  .
                      5  You needn’t                                                               .
                      6  You don’t have to                                                         .

       52     English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises
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