Page 6 - tmpezE58S
P. 6
Bowline 64
One-Handed Bowline 69
Double Fisherman's Knot 76
Sheet Bend 83
Double Sheet Bend 87
Prusik Knot 88
Two Half Hitch 94
Two Half Hitch with a Bight 98
Round Turn and Two Half Hitch Knot 100
Midshipman's Hitch 103
Trucker's Hitch 109
Clove Hitch 116
Constrictor Knot 120
Poacher’s Knot 125
Bonus Section: Fishing Knots 130
Arbor Knot 133
Palomar Knot 136
Blood Knot 141
Surgeon’s Knot 147
Useful Knot-Tying Resources 151
Summary 152
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