Page 9 - tmpezE58S
P. 9
Safety Warning
Keep in mind that the use of some of the knots written
about in this book may pose safety hazards. Working with
rope and/or knots can be inherently dangerous in some situ-
ations. One thing to always remember is that tying a knot in
rope, string, fishing line, etc. will always weaken it to some
degree. If any of these types of cordage break, it will often
happen where the knot is tied unless the particular cordage
has been damaged in another location. When choosing the
type of rope and/or knot to use, you should keep in mind
that a knot is usually the weakest link in a rope that is in
good condition.
The author has tried to provide safety warnings where she
feels it is appropriate, but ultimately it’s your responsibility to
determine if the use of any particular rope or knots require
any special safety precautions. Be sure to always follow any
applicable safety procedures and/or wear appropriate safety
gear when using rope and tying knots. Additionally, the use
of rope and some knots may pose a strangulation hazard.
Even when all safety procedures are followed, rope can
break and knots can fail.
Safety Warning 3