Page 195 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 195

The third one is the cooperation phase when the group realises that unless
               they pool in their abilities and work as a team, they will not succeed. This
               happens  in  the  GOR  when  the  groups  are  made  to  race  against  the  other
               groups. After this task, a cohesive group gets formed. Firstly, the struggle for

               supremacy and later the realisation that the team is more important than the
               individual is an important aspect of group testing. Candidates understanding

               this right from the word go stand to do well with the GTO because, just after
               the GOR, the activities are more individual in nature and you hardly get a
               chance to show your team abilities again. The belief is, brilliant individuals

               who can’t be team players are of no use to the organisation and thus, even if a
               candidate proves to be very good individually but is not able to cope up in a
               team, he/she will definitely fail.

               Confirmatory Series

               The confirmatory series comprises four tasks/activities, namely Half Group

               Task (HGT), Lecturette (Lec), Individual Obstacles (IO) and the Command
               Task (CT). Of this, normally the IO and CT are done on the second GTO
               testing day. In this series, the GTO resolves his queries on each candidate by

               focusing more intensely on individuals as most of these tasks are individual
               in nature.

               Final Series

               This series consists of only one task, namely the Final Group Task (FGT).

               This is basically for the GTO to take a final look at the candidates performing
               in a group (this is a group task) before winding up the test series.

                 The point to understand is that it is important to do well in all the series,

               and more importantly in the basic series. If you have not done well in the
               basic series, your chances of getting recommended by the GTO will be very
               low. However, this does not mean that having done well in the basic series,
               you can relax in the confirmatory and final series.
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