Page 234 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 234
introduce themselves in about 10 to 15 seconds. He will specify what is
expected from you and depending on what he asks, introduce yourself briefly.
Normally, he will ask you for your name, your father’s occupation, school in
which you studied, hobbies, etc. The first candidate who is preparing for
his/her talk will be asked to first introduce himself/herself and then begin the
As mentioned earlier, there will be four topics on the card and the candidate
will be at liberty to choose any one topic. Of the four topics, one each will be
of higher and lower level and two topics will be of average level. If you can
speak on a higher level topic, it is good. If not, at least try to attempt an
average level topic. However, remember it is better to speak sense on a lower
level topic than choosing a higher level topic and talking rubbish. A list of
higher level, average level and lower level topics is given below. Further,
illustrative content for one high and one average level topic is given for
guidance. It is suggested that you prepare the content for the rest of the
topics. It may be seen that the topics are of a very common nature, and if you
read newspapers and magazines regularly as suggested earlier, you will be
able to speak on any topic for three minutes very easily.
What is seen through this activity?
The predominant qualities that emerge from the Lecturette are:
a. Awareness about developments in the environment which forms part of
your grasping ability.
b. Your ability to organise your own thoughts, which is a reflection of your
organising ability.
c. Power of expression.
d. Self-confidence.
e. Ability to influence the group.
f. Liveliness.
g. Determination to remain focused and deliver the content under very
stressful conditions.