Page 255 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 255
Points to Remember
If you carefully observe the layout of the various obstacles, you will realise
that they are arranged in clusters. The objective is to score maximum points
by repeating high value obstacles. Hence, the ideal way to approach it is to
start with the high value cluster, and go on to do the others and come back to
the high value cluster once again in the end. Never start from obstacle 1 and
go on in a sequence because you will be wasting your time in running
crisscross from one end to the other. Attempt obstacles 3 and 5 later as they
take a lot of time. If you finish the high value obstacles in the beginning you
can come back to this cluster and restart from obstacle 10.
What is seen through this activity?
Contrary to common belief that this task is to test physical attributes, the
GTO gets a fair idea about a lot of other qualities. The predominant qualities
that emerge from this task are:
a. Ability to understand the various rules and procedures explained to you,
which reflects on your grasp
b. The appreciation of the layout and your choice of sequence will indicate
your effective intelligence and organising ability
c. Your sense of responsibility. If you break rules by touching red areas,
you will be penalised
d. Your ability to organise your time and effort towards getting maximum
e. Self-confidence
f. Speed of decision
g. Liveliness
h. Determination
i. Courage
j. Stamina