Page 35 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 35


               Section 1 – Screening Tests

                                          Intelligence Tests (Verbal)


               Normally, SSBs call around 300 candidates per batch, of which around one-
               third report for testing. The entire lot is put through Stage 1 testing, which

               comprises Intelligence Tests (Verbal and Non-Verbal) followed by a Picture
               Perception and Discussion Test (PP&DT). The intelligence tests are similar

               to IQ tests conducted in any admission/entrance exam and many of them are
               available  on  the  internet  and  in  other  IQ  test  books.  Based  on  your
               performance in these two tests, your Intelligence Rating is derived and this,

               put together with your performance in the PP&DT, will decide your selection
               for the second stage testing. To give you an idea of the same, a few sample
               tests are given below with their solutions.

                 These  tests  usually  involve  grammar,  verbal  analogies,  synonyms,

               antonyms, etc. Because they depend on understanding the precise meaning of
               words,  idioms  and  the  structure  of  the  language,  they  require  practice  and

               regular  reading  of  newspapers  and  books.  This  test  may  contain  anywhere
               between 30 to 60 questions and, depending upon the number of questions and
               their  difficulty  level,  the  time  allowed  to  attempt  it  will  vary.  You  will

               usually find questions on all of the following:

   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40