Page 385 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 385

unable  to  ink  the  nuclear  agreement  with  New  Delhi  insisting  that  it
                     would do so only after President Bush signs it into a law, an occasion

                     when it expects certain misgivings to be cleared.

                     4 October 2008: White House announces that President Bush will sign

                     the legislation on the Indo-US nuclear deal into a law on 8 October.

                     8 October 2008: President Bush signs legislation to enact the landmark
                     US-India civilian nuclear agreement.

                     10 October 2008: The 123 Agreement between India and US is finally
                     operationalised  between  the  two  countries  after  the  deal  is  signed  by

                     External  Affairs  Minister  Pranab  Mukherjee  and  his  counterpart
                     Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington DC.

               HAMAS                  &          HEZBOLLAH                         –        ISRAEL,

               PALESTINE, LEBANON

               Hamas and Hezbollah are two terrorist organisations fighting Israel on two
               different  fronts.  Hamas  is  engaging  Israel  in  the  Gaza  Strip,  whereas
               Hezbollah  is  engaging  them  in  Lebanon.  The  kidnapping  of  one  Israeli

               soldier by Hamas and two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah triggered the fresh
               West Asia crisis. The Israelis have responded with their full might to include
               air, tanks and ground offensive. Indians trapped in Lebanon were evacuated

               by  sea  and  air  routes  under  Operation  Sukoon.  4  Sikh,  an  Indian  Army
               Battalion,  is  also  stationed  as  part  of  the  United  Nations  Interim  Force  in
               Lebanon (UNIFIL).

                 Hamas  has  been  active  in  Palestine  since  1985  along  with  other  terrorist
               groups against Israel. It has a social wing also which has been helping the
               Palestinians  in  their  education,  health  and  routine  problems.  Hamas  has

               contested the Palestinian elections successfully and has won the majority on
               its own. This has given a blow to other terrorist groups like PLO, Fatah, etc.,
               who fought the Israelis for the last 53 years. This also surprised the world as

               a  known  terrorist  organisation  won  the  elections.  This  resulted  in  Israel,
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