Page 404 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 404
in Europe is based on common cultural values of various nationalities in the
The objectives of the Maastricht Treaty are:
Economic and monetary union, ultimately including a single currency
A common foreign and security policy, which might in time lead to a
common defence
Close cooperation on justice and home affairs
Economic Integration:
Single market (freedom of movement of goods, services, labour
and capital)
Economic and monetary union, including single currency and
common central bank
Common policies on agriculture, transport, research and technology
Single citizenship
Launch of Euro
On 1 January 1999, the Euro, the new single currency to be used by eleven
EU members, was launched. Countries launching the Euro formed the
European Monetary Union (EMU) as a step toward greater political unity.
Advantages of single currency
Cuts Transaction Costs: The need for a single currency is felt because
transaction costs — the price of changing from one currency to another
— are a burden to European business.
Can stand up to International Currency Speculators: Experts feel
that Europe needs the strength to stand up to international currency
speculators and stop them from blowing economic policies off course.
Can Reduce Fluctuations in Currency Rates: A single currency
would also reduce fluctuations in exchange rates between EU members.
Thus, to run efficiently, a single market needs a single currency.