Page 44 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 44


               Coding  is  a  method  of  transmitting  a  message  between  the  sender  and  the

               receiver that no third person can understand. These questions are designed to
               test your mental ability to grasp the logic and decode the coded words.


                17.  If ‘ZYXW’ is coded as ‘ABCD’, then ‘STUV’ will be coded as


                   Z – A,                               Y – B,           X – C,           W – D

                   V – E,                               U – F,           T – G,           S – H

                   STUV = HGFE

                18.  If ‘bcd’ is coded as ‘def’, then ‘True’ is coded as


                   b – d (+2)                    c – e (+2)                    d – f (+2)

                  +2 letters are considered in this code.
                  True – Vtwg

                19.  If ‘Hyderabad’ is coded as ‘Ixedszcze’, then ‘Chennai’ is coded as


                   H – I (1+),       Y – X (1–),       D – E (1+),       E – D (1–),      R – S (1+),
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