Page 519 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 519
Personal data that is misappropriated during the collection stage will enable
third parties to misuse confidential biometric and demographic information.
As Aadhaar numbers are also used by defence and security personnel, any
breach in the database could magnify the threat to national security interests.
There have been instances where details of card-holders have been easily
accessible online. Critics have also questioned linking of mobile telephone
numbers and bank accounts when other means of updating databases could
have been created.
It has been argued that the collection of identity data without adequate
safeguards interferes with the fundamental right to privacy protected under
Article 21 of the Constitution. Article 21 guarantees the right to life and
personal liberty. The Supreme Court, in August 2017, ruled that all Indians
enjoy a fundamental right to privacy, a right that is protected under this
Article. The Court stated that privacy is a natural right, inherent to a human
being and that it is not bestowed upon an individual by the State, nor capable
of being taken away by it.
While the Aadhaar scheme has greatly assisted the government with direct
transfer of benefits, the fact that it covers more than a billion Indians without
any adequate privacy safeguards is a bit worrisome and it is clear that the
authorities must formulate stricter privacy control on the data collected. Only
then can the Aadhaar scheme be considered as an effective tool in the
transparent government machinery.
1. The SMART CITIES MISSION, also referred to as SMART CITY
MISSION, is a programme aimed at developing cities of the country in a
graduated and phased manner to make them dynamic, contemporary and
sustainable in a digitalised and eco-friendly ambience. Towards this