P. 164
Stamina The endeavor to succeed in ssb and sustain the
camp life in NCC and many more needs amount
of grit and stamina. Hence we can deduce this
trait from the story.
Group Influencing This trait can also be seen as Shradha in her
Ability earlier days was a part of NCC group camp and
her participation in extra activities along with
public service activities
Liveliness Shradha as seen her from her personality and
participation in various activities is a very lively
Social Adaptability Based on her experience of NCC and the fact that
she is already recommended shows this trait
Picture 15 - Story 1:
Naina Katiyal is student of St Mary’s Convent High School, Nainital studying in
11 standard. The School is said to be one of the most prestigious institutions
of the country. Naina is
an enriched academic
scholar. She has
represented the
institution in various
© SSBCRACK competitions like Quiz ,
debate and sports. She is
an avid volleyball player
and currently studying
Science as majors in the
11 standard. During the
science exhibition in that
particular year Naina
designed a part of technology that could transfer the data using laser from
one computer to another. The exhibition had delegates from prestigious
Defence Research and Development Organization as Chief Guest. The event
was well covered with senior dignitaries from the district and media. This
particular project attracted the maximum crowd and got a mention in the
newspaper next morning. The picturesque represents Naina’s mother
showing her the morning newspaper where she got her mention. Mrs Katiyal
felt very proud for her daughter and eventually she was awarded with a
special prize in the Exhibition.
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