P. 69
Group Influencing This trait can be seen as Manish is able to mix up
Ability with other tourist and play with them
Liveliness This trait is presence all across the places
Social Adaptability The fact that Manish mixes well with the other
people shows this trait too
Picture 19 - Story 2:
Farhan a 28 year old man, runs a private resort in one of sea beaches of Goa.
Tourism has always contributed a significant part to the income of many
livelihoods. Farhan during his school has been active student towards
organizing various events
and being a volunteer for
the same. He graduated
from Indian Institute of
Hotel Management and
was placed in Oberoi
© SSBCRACK Group. After years of
experience, he decided to
come with his own
concept of resort
covering cuisine of all
tastes i.e. Brazilian,
continental, Lebanese,
Indian and various tastes of Indian in accordance to the region etc. The
unique part about this resort that he used to organize various open group
activities and guests were invited to participate. Apart from this he used to
carry out various activities in humanitarian grounds like making donations to
charity, organizing clothe and food arrangement for unprivileged kids around
the sub urban area. Later Farhan developed a small museum displaying the
history of events in India in relation to goa and showcasing various art and
culture artifacts of the various states of India.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence The understanding of the opportunity to invest in
tourism business and make a move shows this trait
along with other elements in the story.
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