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                   Picture No. 9 (for Factor Ist)
                                                      Story :—Miss Seema Barnwal a first year student of
                                                   B.Tech. of Babu Banarsi Das Engineering College got shocked
                                                   when she received a telephonic message that her elder brother
                                                   could not clear the IInd semester of B.Tech. 4th year from BHU
                                                   Varanasi. She took three days permission and reached Varanasi
                                                   on next morning. She analysed the situation/ condition around
                                                   and found that her brother has left/lost the academic interest
                                                   wasting time in seeing movies, gossiping with different group
                                                   of friends and smoking and drinking upto late night. She met
                                                   her project teacher, sought consent to help her. She further met
                   with his routine group of friends and requested them to withdraw from him. Further she accompanied
                   her brother to the project teacher and got him thoroughly counselled.  She stayed with him for three
                   days, rescheduled his daily routine and made him habituated with three days of stay. This got her
                   brother further on right track.
                      Qualities being revealed from the above story of factor Ist—The above picture is from factor
                   Intelligence or organising Aspect. The four related qualities of this factor should be revealed but while
                   writing the story the other qualities from another remaining three factors may also come. See the
                   interpretation being given below :
                      Factor Ist has four qualities as I have already described in Picture No. 1 these qualities are again
                   being given to facilitate the evaluation of the above story.
                                       1             Factor Intelligence or      2
                                                   Factor Organising Aspect
                                   Planning and                               Logical
                                   Organisation      Its associated/related  Reasoning
                                                        qualties are :

                                           3                                4
                                    Effective Intelligence           Power of Expression
                                          While writing the stories apart from these qualities
                                          other qualities from other or remaining three
                                          factors may also come.
                      Psychological evaluation of Story No. 9—The psychological demand of the system is that there
                   should be logical connection between the situation and the point of start. The situation is a girl and boy
                   is in face to face situation. The girl is more serious than the boy. It is being revealed that the girl’s face
                   is reflecting something serious from her facial index and the boy is silently standing but was not able to
                   collect the guts to face the girl. The second demand of the system is that TAT demands your ability of
                   ‘Intellectual Imagination’ as this is the test of your imagination and imagination is the product of your
                      “Strength of your imagination depends on the strength of your imagining power. You imagine (and
                   explore perhaps) what led to the situation ? What is going on ? And what would be the outcome of the
                   situation ? You imagine the mission for the hero, resources needed to achieve the task. Plan and
                   manoeuvre till the achievement of the aim. ‘How far your imagination has travelled from the obvious’
                   is the most important consideration for your assessment.”

                      A candidate whose span and depth of imagination is limited to the obvious can not make a mark. Favourable
                    impression can be casted by convincing the assessor of your span and depth of imagination.
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