Page 105 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 105
Input Output 101
9. (d) we can’t proceed backward. Step II : play 81 over 49 now 37 12 match
10. (a) Step III : play 81 over 49 now 37 match 12
Step II : 75 down 16 24 farm eager 62 sky Since the line is already arranged, there will be no step
Step III : 75 down 62 16 24 farm eager sky 16. (b)
Step IV : 75 down 62 eager 16 24 farm sky Step II : war 58 box cart 33 49 star 24
Step V : 75 down 62 eager 24 16 farm sky Step III : war 58 star box cart 33 49 24
Step VI : 75 down 62 eager 24 farm 16 sky Step IV : war 58 star 49 box cart 33 24
Hence 6 – 2 = 4 more steps will be required. Step V : war 58 star 49 cart box 33 24
11. (c) Step VI : war 58 star 49 cart 33 box 24
Input: 14 35 when they came 61 48 home 17. (d)
Step I : 61 14 35 when they came 48 home Input: shower fall water 34 51 67 98 goal
Step II : 61 came 14 35 when they 48 home Step I : water shower fall 34 51 67 98 goal
Step III : 61 came 48 14 35 when they home Step II : water 98 shower fall 34 51 67 goal
Step IV : 61 came 48 home 14 35 when they Step III : water 98 shower 67 fall 34 51 goal
Step V : 61 came 48 home 35 14 when they Step IV : water 98 shower 67 goal fall 34 51
Step VI : 61 came 48 home 35 they 14 when Step V : water 98 shower 67 goal 51 fall 34
Solution for 12-17: Solution for 18-24:
In the first step, the word that comes first in the alphabetical In the first step, the largest number goes on the leftmost
order comes to the first and the rest of the shift rightward. position pushing the rest line rightward. In the next
In the next step largest number occupies the next place step the word that comes last in the alphabetical order
and the rest of the shift rightward. This goes on alternately occupies the second position from the left pushing the rest
till the words get arranged in the reverse alphabetical line rightward. Thus the number and words get arranged
order and number in a descending order. alternately till the numbers are place in the descending
12. (b) order and the words in the alphabetical order.
Step III : years 92 ultra 15 23 strive house 39 18. (d)
Step IV : years 92 ultra 39 15 23 strive house Input: organize 19 12 stable room 35 72 house
Step V : years 92 ultra 39 strive 15 23 house Step I : 72 organize 19 12 stable room 35 house
Step VI : years 92 ultra 39 strive 23 15 house Step II : 72 house organize 19 12 stable room 35
Step VII : years 92 ultra 39 strive 23 house 15 Step III : 72 house 35 organize 19 12 stable room
Hence 7 – 3 = 4 more steps will be required. Step IV : 72 house 35 organize 19 room 12 stable
13. (c) 19. (a)
Input: any how 49 24 far wide 34 69 Input: bake never store 51 26 33 age 49
Step I : wide any how 49 24 far 34 69 Step I : 51 bake never store 26 33 age 49
Step II : wide 69 any how 49 24 far 34 Step II : 51 age bake never store 26 33 49
Step III : wide 69 any how 49 24 far 34 Step III : 51 age 49 bake never store 33 26
Step IV : wide 69 any 49 how 24 far 34 Step IV : 51 age 49 bake 33 never store 26
Step V : wide 69 how 49 far 24 any 34 Step V : 51 age 49 bake 33 never 26 store
Step VI : wide 69 how 49 far 34 any 24 20. (e)
Step V be 2 nd last step. Input: always go there 39 62 47 time 24
14. (d) we can’t proceed backward. Step I : 62 always go there 39 47 time 24
15. (d) Step II : 62 always 47 go there 39 time 24
Input: play over 49 37 12 match now 81 Step III : 62 always 47 go 39 there time 24
Step I : play 81 over 49 37 12 match now Step IV : 62 always 47 go 39 there 24 time
Hence steps III will be the last but one.