Page 136 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 136

132                                                                                   Distance and Direction
            6.  A school bus  driver starts  from the school, drives    10.  Rimpy on the way to her school starts walking from
                2 km. towards North, takes a left turn and drives for   her home towards south. After walking 15 meters
                5 km. he then takes a left turn and drives for 8 km.   she turns towards north. After walking 20 meters, she
                before taking a left turn again and driving for further   turns towards east and walks 10 meters. She then
                5 km. The driver finally takes a left turn and drives   turns towards south and walks 5 meters. How far is
                1 km. before stopping. How far and towards which      she from his original position and in which direction?
                direction should the driver drive to reach the school   (a)  10 meters, East   (b)  10 meters, South- East
                again?                          [IBPS – PO/MT]        (c)  10 meters, West   (d)  10 meters, North-East
                (a)  3 km. towards North (b)  7 km. towards east      (e)  None of these
                (c)  6 km. towards south (d)  6 km. towards west  11.  An ant moves 10 cm towards east and turns to the
                (e)  5 km. towards north                              right hand moves 3 cm. Then it moves to its right
                                                                      and moved 3 cm. It then turns to his left and moves
            7.  Rajesh starting  from his house,  goes 4 km. in the   2 cm. Finally it turns to his right and travel’s 7 cm.
                East, then he turns to his right and goes 3 km. What   how far and in which direction it is now from the
                is his final distance from his house?                 starting point?
                (a)  4 km.             (b)  5km.                      (a)  10 cm, East       (b)  9 cm, North
                (c)  5. 5 km.          (d)  4.5 km.                   (c)  8 cm, West        (d)  5 cm, West
                (e)  None of these                                    (e)  None of these
            8.  Ricky after travelling for 5 km. took right turn and   12.  Rimpy,  on her  morning walk,  starting from home
                travelled  6 km. before taking left turn and then     she walks to the North for 250 m, then she turns to
                travelled for 3 km. find his final distance from home.   her right and travels 20 m and then she again turns
                (a)  10 km             (b)  12 km                     to the right and drives straight another 250 m. How
                                                                      much distance has she now to cover to go back to
                (c)  9 km              (d)  11 km                     her home?
                (e)  None of these                                    (a)  25 m              (b)  20 m
            9.  In a game “Pass the ball” position of some players    (c)  4 m               (d)  40 m
                are as follows:                                       (e)  30 m
                  ‘A’ is 20 meters to the north of ‘B’ who is 18 meters   13.  Amar on his new car 1  drives towards North 4 Kms
                to the east of ‘C’ who is 12 meters to the west of ‘A’, If   and turns right  and drives 5 Kms.  Then he turns
                ball was initially with 'B' and is passed to 'C' in which   towards South  and  drives  2 Kms, then  he  takes a
                direction is it from his starting point?              right turn and drives 6 Kms. What is the distance of
                (a)  North - East      (b)  North - West              Amar from his starting point?
                (c)  South - East      (d)  North                     (a)  16 Kms            (b)  12 Kms
                (e)  East                                             (c)  2 Kms             (d)  4 Kms
                                                                      (e)  √5 kms

              3. ConCept CrACker

            Directions (Qs. 1-4): Study  the  following          2.  I am facing West. I turn 45° in the clockwise direction
            information carefully and answer the given                and  then  180° in  the same direction  and  then
            questions.                                                270° anti-clockwise. which direction am facing now ?
            1.  Ram walks 10 m South his house, turns left and        (a)  south-west        (b)  south
                walks 25 m, again turns left and walks 40 m, then      (c)  West             (d)  North-west
                turn right and walks 5 m to reach his school. In which      (e)  East
                direction is the school from his house ?         3.  Two buses start from the opposite points of a main
                (a)  South-west        (b)  North-east                road, 150 km. apart. The first bus runs for 25 km.
                (c)  East              (d)  North                     takes a right turn and then runs for 15 km. It then turns
                (e)  none of these                                    left,runs for another 25 km. and takes the direction
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