Page 23 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 23

Alpha Series Completion                                                                             19
            15.  __bc__ca__aba__c__ca                            18.  a__bc__a__bcda__ccd__bcd__
                (a)  abcbb             (b)  .bbbcc                    (a)  .abdbdb           (b)  .acbdbb
                (c)  bacba             (d)  abbcc                     (c)  .adbbad           (d)  .adbcad
                (e)  none of these          (Hotel Management)        (e)  none of these
            16.  __c__bd__cbcda__a__db__a                        19.  a__bb__baa_bbb__aa__
                (a)  .ababcd           (b)  bdbcba                    (a)  .aabba            (b)  .bbaab
                (c)  .cdbbca           (d)  .daabbc                   (c)  .abaaa            (d)  .baabb
                (e)  none of these                                    (e)  none of these          (Hotel Management)
            17.  a__bd__da__dbc__b__dc                           20.  b__ccacca__ba__bbc__bc__a
                (a)  .aabbc            (b)  .bbcca                    (a)  .baabc            (b)  .abaaa
                (c)  .caabb            (d)  ccbaa                     (c)  .acbca            (d)  .bacab
                (e)  none of these          (Hotel Management)        (e)  none of these          (Hotel Management)

              3. ConCept CrACker

            Directions (Qs. 1-5):  In each  of the  following    6.  Which one of the following is a valid word in the new
            questions, a series of letters  and  number is            sequence?
            given,the  terms of which follow  certain definite        (a)  PUNYT             (b)  VTFHC
            pattern in groups. However, some terms in the             (c)  PREHG             (d)  None of the above
            series are  missing, which  are  given  in  the  same
            order as one of the alternatives below the series.   7.  Which one of the following represents the name of
            Choose the correct alternative.                           a country?
                                                                      (a)  ITXNA             (b)  YTOHV
            1.  2 3 B ___6 ___ F G __5 D __8 H 1
                (a)  C 7 4 E 9         (b)  D 8 6 C 7                 (c)  YTINA             (d)  None of the above
                (c)  E 8 7 D 9         (d)  W 8 7 16             8.  Which one of the following is the name of a popular
            2.  Z__25 Y B 23 X C ___W __ 19__E 17
                (a)  A 21 D V          (b)  A 27 C V                  (a)  FILLS
                (c)  X 21 C W          (d)  X 27 F W                  (b)  NIPKA
                                                                      (c)  AKIEQ
            3.  D__6 E G P__H J __12 K M B 15___                      (d)  None of the above
                (a)  E 7 J L           (b)  F 8 M K
                (c)  G 9 I M           (d)  J 9 V N              9.  Which one of the following is not a valid word in the
                                                                      new sequence?
            4.  F__U 6 __9 I__T 7__20__4 D 23                         (a)  PUJYQE
                (a)  11 G 16 K U       (b)  13 H 15 L M               (b)  WQOOX
                (c)  17 J 19 R S       (d)  21 R 18 G W               (c)  JHINH
            5.  X W C __ T S 20 __ P 12 __L 15 K__P__ G S 7           (d)  None of the above
                (a)  17 F I S T        (b)  19 E L R H           10.   In a certain code, the word CARTOON is written as
                (c)  21 G L N F        (d)  23 H K O H                BBQUNPM. Using this code, OSHNZSX will stand
            Directions (Qs. 6-10): Study  the  following              for the word :
            information and answer the question that follow:-         (a)  CURSORY
            All the vowels in the English Alphabet are retained in their      (b)  CORRECT
            original places and the remaining letters are written in the      (c)  NETWARE
            reverse order. The new sequence looks like : A, Z, Y, X,
            E, W, ... … … …. Now each of the  letters in  the new      (d)  None of the above
            sequence represents the letter in the original sequence.
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