Page 317 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 317
Analogy and Classification 313
Answers of Classifications:
1 (a) M is only consonant, rest are vowel. 15 (d) all inner figures are enclosed one except (d)
2 (c) only U is vowel 16. (c) the shaded region is present on the left bottom
region, where as rest all has on top right region.
3 (e) rest all are horizontal element except (e) which is
vertical 17 (d) number of turning increases with a sequence.
4 (c) rest all has three petals. 18 (b) the line segment along with the circle are eight
5 (a) one element is enclosed figure, rest are one end except option (b)
open 19 ( e) all rotates in anti clock wise direction except
6 ( c) only c is not having diameter. option (e)
20 (d) one arrow is facing towards the centre.
7 (b) arrows are moving anti clock wise direction 45
degree. 21 (b) all other figures can be rotated into each other.
8 (c) all except (c) has enclosed figure. 22 (d) The line segment present thick side of the arc.
Whereas, answer figure has line segment on the thin
9. (d) all except (d) dots are on either side of the line.
side of the arc.
10 (c) Except (c) rest elements of figures are diagonally
opposite direction. 23 (d) all diameters are intersecting with each other.
24 ( a) all other figures can be rotated into each other.
11 (a) all other figure can be rotated into each other.
The middle element is obtained by rotating the outer 25. ( c) in all other figure, the square has two line
element through 90 degree clock wise and the inner segments inside and one line segment outside.
element is obtained by rotating the middle element 26 (a) in al other figures the number of line segments
through 90 degree clock wise.
forming the inner element is one less than the
12. (a) only in figure (a) two of the four elements are number of line segments forming the outer element.
oriented in the same direction.
27 ( a) all other figures can be rotated into each other.
13. (e) option (e) is mathematical symbol.
28 (c) all other figures can be rotated into each other.
14 (c) all outer elements having the replica of its present 29 ( b) in all other firures , the black leaf appears in any
inside of that, except option (c)
of the two portions between the line segments.