Page 35 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 35

Linear Arrangement                                                                                  31
            at extreme ends. T faces D. V does not face A and V does   23.  P is related to V in the same way as C is related to F.
            not sit at any of the extreme ends. V is not an immediate   which of the following is E related to, following the
            neighbour of T. B sits at one of the extreme ends. Only   same pattern?
            two people sit between B and E. E doesnot face V. two      (a)  B                (b)  D
            persons sit between R and  Q. R is not an immediate       (c)  C                 (d)  A
            neighbour of T. C does not face V. P is not an imeediate      (e)  None of these
            neighbour of R.
                                                                 24.  Which of the following is true regarding F?
            20.  Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of
                the rows?                                             (a)  F sits second to right of C
                (a)  B, E              (b)  S, T                      (b)  F is not an immediate neighbour of A.
                (c)  P, R              (d)  B, F                      (c)  F sits third to left of D
                (e)  None of these                                    (d)  F sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
                                                                      (e)  F faces V.
            21.  Who amongst the following faces A?
                (a)  R                 (b)  T                    25.  Who amongst the following sits exactly between P
                (c)  P                 (d)  Q                         and Q?
                (e)  S                                                (a)  R
                                                                      (b)  V
            22.  How many persons are seated between T and S?
                (a)  one               (b)  Two                       (c)  S
                (c)  Three             (d)  Four                      (d)  T
                (e)  None                                             (e)  Cannot be determined

              2. ConCept Builder

            Directions    (Qs.1–3):   Study    the   following   3.  Four of the following five are alike in a certain way
            information for answer the given questions:               and so form a group. Which is the one that does not

                                     [CORPORATION BANK PO]            belong to that group?
                                                                      (a)  F                 (b)  D
            A building has seven floors numbered one to seven, in
            such a way that the ground floor is numbered one, the floor      (c)  B          (d)  G
            above it number two, and so on, such that the topmost      (e)  C
            floor is numbered seven. One out of seven people viz, A,   Directions (Qs. 4-5): Study  the  following
            B, C, D, E, F and G, lives on each floor. A lives on fourth   information carefully and answer the given
            floor. E lives on the floor immediately below F’s floor. F   questions.          [ALLAHABAD BANK PO]
            does not live on the second or the seventh floor. C does
            not live on an odd-numbered floor. B does not live on a   Amongst five friends, each got a different percentage of
            floor immediately above or below C’s floor. D does not   marks in the examination.  Poonam scored more than
            live on the topmost floor. G does not live on any floor   Ben but less than Ajay. Ajay scored 70% marks. Shreya
            below E’s floor.                                     scored less marks than only Kim. The one who scored
                                                                 the minimum marks scored 65% marks and the one who
            1.  Who lives on the topmost floor?                  scored the highest, scored 87% marks.
                (a)  B                 (b)  C
                (c)  E                 (d)  G                    4.  Who scored the second lowest marks?
                (e)  Cannot be determined                             (a)  Ben
                                                                      (b)  Kim
            2.  Who lives immediately above D’s floor?
                (a)  A                 (b)  B                         (c)  Shreya
                (c)  C                 (d)  F                         (d)  Ajay
                (e)  G                                                (e)  Poonam
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