P. 364

Islamic Political


 Yon Machmudi

 Since the end of the 20  century and   to politics that could stimulate Islam   Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, PKS),   new methods the Dutch domination   Office of the Central
 the beginning of the 21  century Islamic   into becoming more accommodative   the United Development Party (Partai   and Christian penetration could be be   Board of Partai Amanat
 politics in Indonesia have developed   and more widely accepted by the ruling   Persatuan Pembangunan, PPP) and   resisted.  Changes had to be made   Nasional (PAN, National
 significantly. The political struggle of the   regime.  In general, one may say that   the Crescent Star Party (Partai Bulan   through reforms in religion, education,   Mandate Party), Pasar
 Muslim in Indonesia has gone through   Indonesian Muslims had begun to focus   Bintang, PBB), in addition to the National   as well as in politics.  Minggu, Jakarta. PAN
 a long and complicated transformation   on another, more substantive role of   Awakening Party (Partai Kebangkitan   is an open political
 following the development of democracy   Islam rather than merely on its legal   Bangsa, PKB) and the National Mandate   Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani (d.1897),   party, but it has a
 in Indonesia. Muslims have become the   formality, which they could easily adapt to   Party (Partai Amanat Nasional, PAN).   Sheikh Ahmad Khatib (d. 1915) and   special relation with the
 most important part of the Indonesian   the course of the developing democracy.   The latter two parties are categorized   Sheikh Mahfuz at-Turmusi (d. 1920) were   Muhammadiyah.
 population in strengthening the process of   However, behind the Muslims’ success   as Muslim-based parties, although they   three great scholars of Indonesian origin   Source: Directorate of
 democratic consolidation. Therefore, it is   in delivering this new strategy, it still   also declare to be open to non Muslims.   who taught at the Haram Mosque. They   History and Cultural
 not surprising if Indonesia is now regarded   engendered the emergence of small   Although significant, in general these   had a major influence on the adventof   Values, Ministry of
 as an important model for democracy in   numbers of hardliner groups of Islamists   differences are not very evident as the   social, religious and political movements.   Education and Culture
 the world. However, Indonesia’s success   who rejected the model of the Islamic   working programs of Islamic, nationalist,   These three sheikhs, according to   of the Republic of
 in this process has not come about   struggle from within the system and   and secular parties in Indonesia are   Martin van Bruinessen,  were among   Indonesia.
 without challenges. To what extent did   stressed the application of more   almost the same. Such is due to the   the highest ranking Indonesian ‘ulama
 Muslim communities, especially Islamic   substantive Islamic principles in politics.   large number of Muslim activists in both   in the Haram and after them no other
 politics parties, played their political   They insisted on the implementation   nationalist and secular parties.  Indonesians ever succeeded tothem.
 role and contributed to this democratic   of the Shari’a and on a change in the   Nawawi Banten was a very prolific
 consolidation? There is need for an in-  system of enforced legislation. 2  Political Movement before   author. In addition to writing a Qur’anic
 depth analysis of the dynamics of Muslim   There are currently two types of Islamic   Independence  commentary, he also wrote several
 politics in Indonesia from the beginning of   political parties in Indonesia: mass-  Before the time of independence,   books on various disciplines of Islamic
 Independence up to the present.  based and ideologically-based that differ   Muslims had formed a number of   scholarships. He gave a full explanation
 It is crucial to have a good look at the   in terms of the principles they adhere to   socio-political movements that aimed   of some brief treatises that were taught
 development of their new political role,   but they are similar in their defence of   at the independence of Indonesia.   in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren)
 one of which is the new strategies   Muslim aspirations and in their support   Initially, these organizations focused   and he also equipped and corrected their
 adopted by the Muslims in response   for democracy. Parties categorized   their activities on Islamic propagation,   contents. It is not surprising if traditional
 to the repressive New Order regime.   as Islamic are the Prosperous Justice   education, and social development.   religious clerics and scholars in
 These strategies tended to be more   1. Bahtiar  Effendy,  Teologi  Baru  Politik  Islam.   They had realized that the propagation   3. Deliar Noer, Gerakan Moderen Islam di Indonesia
 cooperative, which differed from the more   (Yogyakarta: Galang Press, 2001).  of Islam could no longer simply rely   1900-1942. (Jakarta:LP3ES, 1982), p. 37.
 confrontational former strategies that   2. Syarifuddin  Jurdi,  Pemikiran  Politik  Islam   on traditional models but had to be   4. Martin Van Bruinessen, Kitab Kuning, Pesantren
                                                 dan  Tarekat,  (Yogyakarta:  Gading  Publishing,
 were adopted in relation to Islam and the   Indonesia: Pertautan Negara, Khilafah, Masyarakat   carried outby more modern and well-  2012), p. 106.
 Madani  dan  Demokrasi  (Yogyakarta:  Pustaka
 state . They engendered a new approach   Pelajar, 2008), pp. 181-192.  structured organizations only by these   5. Van Bruinessen, Kitab Kuning ..., p. 107.

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