P. 384

Islam. To prepare Muslims for their   represented the Muslims. Only two of   The Masjumi had two different   dissolved the Masjumi.  Meanwhile, the
 participation in building the new Republic   them were official representatives of the   memberships: individual and   NU had left Masjumi in 1952 and founded
 of Indonesia, some Muslim leaders like   Islamic party, Sjafrudin Prawiranegara   organizational. The organizations’   its own party, namely the NU Party.
 Abdoel Kahar Muzakkir, Wahid Hasyim   and Wahid Hasyim, while the others   presence in the Masjumi was important
 and Mohammad Roem met to formulate   were the former representatives   so that they could offer advice and   Perti
 future strategies. In September 1945 they   ofthe Islamic circles, i.e. Abikusno   their considerations on the policies   Perti was part of the socio-religious
 decided to revive the Masjumi that was   Tjokroaminoto, Kasman Singodimedjo,   the party decided. At first, only four   organization Persatuan Tarbiyah
 passive at the time and to turn it into an   Jusuf Wibisono, Dahlan Abdullah,   organizations belonged to the party, i.e.   Islamiyah (Association of Islamic
 influencial political force. 37  Mohammad Roem, AR Baswedan, A.   the Muhammadiyah, NU, Perikatan Umat   Education) based in Bukittinggi, West

 At the beginning of independence there   Bajasut, Harsono Tjokroaminoto, and   Islam (the Muslim Union), and Persatuan   Sumatra. It was a traditional Islamic
 was an attempt to make the Indonesian   Mrs. Sunarjo Mangunpuspito. To channel   Umat Islam (Muslim Association). In   organization founded by Sheikh Abbas,
 National Party (PNI) the only political   the aspirations of Muslims in the midst   1948, the Islamic organization Persatuan   Sheikh Sulaimanar-Rasuli, and Sheikh
 party in Indonesia. Although not directly   of government policies that opened up   Islam (Islamic Unity, Persis) joined,   Muhammad Djamil Djaho on May 20,
 an extension of the previous PNI during   greater opportunities to form political   followed by other organizations such   1930. Perti belonged to a traditional
 the periods ahead of Independence,   parties, the Muslims held a conference   as the Persatuan Ulama Seluruh Aceh   mass base and spread to regions
 Soekarno and Hatta’s support for the   in Yogyakarta on November 7-8, 1945.   (The Association of the Muslim Scholars   where it had boarding schools existed
 party had made it grow rapidly. However,   Almost all the representatives of the   of Aceh, PUSA) in 1949 and Al-Irsyadin   in Jambi, Tapanuli, Bengkulu, Aceh,
 with the issuance in October 1945 of   Muslims attended and they agreed to   1950, while Al-Jam’iyatul Wasliyah and   West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi.
 the government policies on the multi   set up a Central Consultative Assembly   Al-Ittihadiyah joined in the following   Before Independence, Perti persisted to
 party system, the PNI was no longer   (Masjumi) for Muslims to be only Muslim   year. The good relationship between the   focus on education, but then suffered a
 the only growing party in Indonesia.   political party in Indonesia.  In 1945,   Masjumi and these Islamic organizations   set back in its development. In 1944 it
 Political polarization swiftly developed   Sukiman Wirjosandjojo was appointed   deteriorated especially after a split had   decided to join the organization Islamic
 and nationalist groups began to face the   its leader and Abikusno Tjokrosujoso   taken place between the Masjumi and   High Council (Majelis Islam Tinggi,
 rivalry of the Islamic Masjumi party.  his deputy. Sukiman served as the   Soekarno. Soekarno who accused   MIT) led by Sheikh Muhammad Djamil
                                                 Djambek. MIT itself was an association
          the Masjumi of having sympathized
 Nationalist groups benefitted from   Masjumi chairman until 1951 and since   with the rebellion of the Revolutionary   of organizations for the whole of
 the establishment of the Central   1949 Natsir acted as vice-chairman. In   Government of the Republic of Indonesia   Sumatra. When MIT transmuted into a
 Indonesia National Committee (KNIP),   1951, Natsir was promoted chairman,   (PRRI) in 1958. The party’s leadership   political party, Perti decided to turnits
 a representative institution established   and Sukiman was appointed vice-  and some privileged members held a   own organization into a political party
 by the government before the formation   chairman. In 1959 Natsir was replaced by   consultation on September 8, 1959 to   as well and it declared itself as such on
 of parliament. Among its 136 members,   Prowoto Mangkusasmito, while Sukiman   end the relation so that the organizations   November 22, 1945. 40
 President Soekarno only put 15 members   remained vice-chairman.  would no longer meet any obstacles   39. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 51
 37. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ..., p. 45.  38. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ..., p. 47.  in their activities. In 1960 Soekarno   40. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 73.

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