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to underline that the final part of Law   efforts to bring Indonesia back to Islamic          state cannot interfere in religious matters.   which repealed the prohibitions imposed
                                   no. 1 PNPS 1965 ---the main point       orthodoxy. Because of this, some circles              The contra-judicial review group argued   on Confucians, and subsequently
                                   of reference for government policies    were of the opinion that, as it is the                that without the PNPS law, religious   Presidential Decree no. 19/2002 which
                                   related to religious harmony and for    basis for policies on religious harmony,              desecration would happen more freely   proclaimed Chinese New Year (Imlek)
                                   the Joint Decree--- states “warn and    the PNPS law should be considered                     and that this would cause more serious   a National Day, and the Decree of
                                   instruct citizens in general to preserve   problematic and in violation of the                disharmony between religious groups    the Minister of Religious Affairs no.
                                   and maintain religious harmony and      1945 Constitution and the Universal                   and therefore, Indonesia as a non-     331/2002, which proclaimed Chinese
                                   peace as well as the order of social life   Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),               secular state had to protect religions. 26  New Year a National Holiday.
                                   by not committing actions against the law   as well as detrimental to religious               The Ministry of Religious Affairs ---as
                                   against followers and members of the JAI   minority groups. Therefore, in 2009,               seen in the case of religious-based    Finally, Confucianism was recognized
                                   board.” However, vandalism and physical   seven NGOs and some individuals                     sectarian conflicts---was impressed    as one of the official religions in
                                   violence against religious minorities   applied for a judicial review of the PNPS             not to dampen or to find solutions for   Indonesia and its festive day also had
                                   persists. The problem increasingly      law to the Constitutional Court (MK).                 disrupted religious harmony, but rather   become a national holiday through the
                                   worsened when the MUI and the Ministry   The MK then invited a debate among                   to back the perpetrators. However,     government’s new policy. However, it
                                   of Religious Affairs blamed the JAI itself   community organizations, religious               some positive achievements should      actually did not mean freedom for all
                                   for having become the victims of these   leaders, and Muslims and human rights                also be noted, especially this ministry’s   of its adherents in Indonesia. All the
                                   crimes. According to a report written   activists. Unfortunately, after the trial and         contributions to efforts to establish and   Confucians’ religious and civil rights were
                                   by Bagir and others on the basis of     hearing the opinion of experts held from              maintain religious harmony. Another    finally met after the Minister of Religious
                                   the PNPS law and the SKB, Minister      February 4 to 24 March 2010 the attempt               positive note is its decision about    Affairs sent a letter numbered 12/
                                   of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali    to a judicial review failed, because the              Confucianism. Since the issuance of    MA/2006 dated 24 January 2006 to the
                                   declared that he could not allow the    Constitutional Court overruled it. 25                 the Presidential Instruction no. 14/1967,   Minister of the Interior and the Minister
                                   Ahmadiyah case to drag on because it    The Constitutional Court had three                    Confucians experienced limitations in   of National Education on the clarification
                                   would be tantamount to continuing the   options: first, to declare the law                    the way the adherents of this religion   of the marital status according to
                                   problem.  According to him, disbanding   constitutional and therefore it is                   could live their faith. They ranged from   Confucianism and religious education for
                                   the Ahmadiyah was indeed risky, but     needed to be upheld; second, the                      not being able to state their faith on   the adherents of Confucianism. Through
                                   to condone it would be an equally       law is constitutional but needs to be                 their identity cards and problems in the   this letter marriages of Confucians were
                                   great risk. In August 2010 the Minister   revised; and third, the law considered              organization of religious worship, up to   declared valid before the registry office,
                                   of Religious Affairs insisted that the   unconstitutional and had to be canceled              their way of living. As the consequence   and religious education for its adherents
                                   government should dissolve JAI.                                                                                                      was facilitated by the government. 27
                                                                           and revoked (Mudzhar 2010). However,                  of this government policy, for more than
                                   The violence on the basis of the law thus   the experts focused on two opposing               30 years, Confucians had to merge into
                                   got a fresh breeze from the government   opinions. The pro-judicial review group              other religious communities. The good   Education, Justice, and the Hajj
                                   (Ministry of Religious Affairs) and the   argued that freedom of religion should              news for them came with Abdurrahman    In addition to religious harmony, the
                                   MUI but they had gone too far in their   be implemented and guaranteed as the                 Wahid’s Presidential Decree no. 6/2000   Ministry of Religious Affairs also has

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