P. 82

Another work that also recorded the   suggested that Semarang be entrusted   saints and how they spread Islam in   described as the manifestation of a
 Islamization process in Java is the Serat   to his younger brother, Raden Ketip.   Java, including the cultural obstacles   power that totally defines social life.
 Kandaning Ringgit Purwa, which spells   When he told of his plan to the Sultan of   they encountered and the clashes they   Thus, the pattern of Islamization
 out the story of the early spread of Islam   Demak, he approved and installed Raden   had with local beliefs.  illustrated above is an effort to
 in Java through the roles of saints at the   Ketip in the new position. 23  contextualize Islam within a society
 end of the Majapahit era. In canto 414 we   Another part of the Serat Kandaning   Some Notes  with a kingdom-based cultural system.
 are told that after the construction of the   Ringgit Purwa reveals that Sunan   The excerpts from these traditional   This becomes even more evident in
 mosque in Cirebon had been completed,   Ngampel was not only a great leader of   historiographic works explain several   the formulation of the legal system that
 the saints gathered in the mosque in   missionary activities, but also a principal   things. First, they describe the   is in force. In Malacca, this regulation
 Demak and discussed the preparations   figure in the ancestral bonds between   Islamization in the early periods,   is found in another text, Undang-
 to take up battle against Majapahit.   the saints who spread Islam in Java.   especially in the Malay regions. This   Undang Malaka (the Malacca Legal
 Sunan Giri proposed that each of them   Moreover, it was Sunan Ngampel who   is especially the case with works
 sent one of their sons to join the army, so   eventually sent Muslim successors to   like the Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai   Code). The text starts by saying that
                                                 all regulations are extensions of the
 that ordinary people could directly see   the locations where they would later   and the Sejarah Melayu, which are   power of the kings of Malacca and
 their involvement. Raden Putra Sabrang   built their palaces. One of the persons   strongly colored by mythological   simultaneously the institutionalization
 Wetan, the grandson of the Adipati of   who brought Islam to the palace was the   elements. They must be understood-
 Bintara, named Raden Madi Pandan,   Princess of Cempa, but the person who   --just as historians say--- not as the   of the continuing political behavior of
                                                 the kingdom. Furthermore, the text also
 took part in the expedition leading 300   yielded Islamic authority was the son of   historical reconstruction of the ongoing   gives the king the right to be in control
 troops. Also in canto 414, it is recalled   Sunan Ngampel’s older sister. Meanwhile,   Islamization process in the Malay
 that after their first victory over Majapahit,   the other important center of Islamic   regions, but rather as the expression   of law enforcement and that every legal
 Sunan Bonang suggested that Raden   missionary activities was Ampel Denta.    of the local Malay community of their   institution---including that of the “Kadi”
 Madi Pandan, who here is for the first   acceptance of Islam. It appears that a   mentioned in the Sejarah Melayu--- falls
 time referred to as “Ki Pandan Arang”,   Like the Serat Kandaning Ringgit Purwa,   mythological way of expression was   under the regal system.
 was sent to Pulo Tirang to teach Islam   the Serat Darmo Gandhul also contains   used to explain the ongoing religious   Second, along with the Islamization
 to the pagan hermits and to cultivate the   extraordinary stories of the spread of   changes in a society that centered   process, trans-regional relationships
 land because, as he predicted, it would   Islam in Java. It was originally written by   around its king. The royal political   allowed Muslim groups and Islamic
 become a great city. Ki Pandan Arang   Ronggo Warsito who wrote it under the   system in the Malay world, even   kingdoms to feel much closer to other
 became Prince Pandan Arang and Pulo   pseudonym Ki Kalam Wadi. It is written   since pre-Islamic times, should be   Muslim groups and Islamic polities.
 Tirang became Semarang. Finally, after   in prose and relates the trips of several   understood in the sense of A.C. Milner   The Hikayat Banjar, for example,
 he reached the position of the Ruler of   23.  J.J. Ras, “Tradisi Jawa mengenai Masuknya   –a anthropologist on Malay --- as “the   mentions how Demak accepted Islam
 Semarang, Pandan Arang decided to   Islam di Indonesia,” in Nico Kaptein, Beberapa   condition of having a king”---which   and how the King of Demak helped to
 Kajian Indonesia dan Islam, Kumpulan Karangan,
 retreat to the village of Bayat to deepen   (Jakarta: INIS, 1999), p. 132-135.  played a decisive role in social life. In   Islamize Banjarmasin. It also mentions
 his life with religious activities. He   24.  Ras, Tradisi Jawa ... p. 127.  a monarchy, the king or the ruler is   the Javanese role in establishing Kota

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