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Challenging Learning
How do we best prepare young people to understand the modern world they live in and prepare them for independent life-long learning? This critical question sits squarely
in front of teachers and educators all around the world today, and Challenging Learning’s whole approach to professional development is based on our attempt to answer the question. Our company name - Challenging Learning - has a double meaning.We put more ’challenge’ into the learning that is already going on in our schools; we also challenge how learning takes place.
Challenging Learning is an independent consultancy founded by James and Jill Nottingham in 2006.We work with school leaders and teachers to share teaching and leadership practices that have the biggest impact on learning progress.These practices are based on the most up-to-date and compelling evidence about what helps young people to become stronger learners. The themes that Challenging Learning focuses on develop resilient learners who carry independent learning skills with them throughout the rest of their lives.
We now work across six countries and within our team we have Australian, British, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish employees.This encourages us to connect global excellence with local strategy. We also collaborate purposefully and productively with partner organisations to strengthen learning in the
schools we work with.We work closely with Professor John Hattie to translate his seminal ‘Visible Learning’ work into practice and we have had a close collaboration with Professor Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University for many years. Her 30 years of research into motivation and engagement
has shown that people in a ‘Growth Mindset’ are more likely to be resilient, to welcome feedback and to try new learning strategies.
How do we best prepare young people to understand the modern world they live
in and prepare them for independent life-long learning?
Challenging Learning began working with Dulwich Prep London in April 2016 as
part of a three-year process.The project is led by one of our Senior Consultants, Richard Kielty.Richard is the Project Manager for all
of our UK work and has previously worked as a consultant on behalf of the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Richard has an excellent record in school leadership, having previously been a Headteacher of two schools in Northumberland and North Yorkshire, as well as working for the Girls’ Day SchoolTrust as Director of Social and Emotional Learning. He, and the Challenging Learning team, will work closely with the school and parents to create a clear focus