Page 28 - Pony Think Write Teachers Guide to Module 1
P. 28
Module 4: Writing with Fluency and Control Teacher’s Guide.
Objective: Using the correct spatial placement of letters in each animal category
Lesson plan:
In small groups, seated at a table each child has either a page of lined Illustrated Paper or a two-lined advanced Write and Wipe Board and a suitable pen. The teacher has a pack of the non-illustrated animal letter cards.
1. Ask the children to sort the cards into the three animal groups (Harriet the Cow, Georgia the Shetland Pony, Rupert the White Sheep and Zac the Grey Sheep letters).
2. Ask 6 children to pick 1 card each, making sure that 2 letters are picked from each group.
3. Lay these 6 letter cards out, face up. This will make a nonsense word e.g. loikqv.
4. Ask the children to write this sequence with joined up letters.
5. Ask the children to score their work for each correctly placed letter: 2 points can be
given for a Harriet the Cow letter that reaches the cloud line. 2 points can be awarded for each short Georgia the Shetland Pony and Rupert the White Sheep and Zac the Grey Sheep letter that reaches the helicopter line. Bonus points can be given for each Pippa the Rabbit letter that goes underground.
More to Learn:
Use hand over hand activities to help those that find motor planning more difficult. Have the children write on a vertical surface like the white board.
To extend their learning have the children complete the same exercise using normal lined paper. This gives a true reflection of whether a child is able to apply and synchronise the rules that govern letter formation, joining, height and spatial position.
© 2016 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited