Page 10 - Module 2: Teachers Guide for Getting Ready for Writing PONY
P. 10
Module 2: Getting Ready for Writing Teacher’s Guide.
Tummy Circles
Objective: Teaching the body about midline - tummy circles
Lesson Plan:
Passing a beanbag around the tummy builds a sense of where the body is in space, the midline of the body and the front and back of the body, whilst using symmetrical arm movements.
1. In standing, each child is given a beanbag.
2. Demonstrate the movement to the children.
3. Place the hands to the front of the body, close to the midline. One hand should be
holding the beanbag.
4. With straight arms move both hands at the same time and speed, to the back of
the body.
5. At the midline point at the back of the body, swap the beanbag to the other hand. 6. Both hands then return to the front of the body, the beanbag is swapped again. 7. Repeat this movement for 10 rotations.
8. Stop, then repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
More to Learn:
1. Which hands do the children start the
movement with?
2. Do they prefer to do the movement in a
clockwise or anticlockwise direction?
3. Can the children swap the beanbag at their
tummy button, on the midline?
4. Can the children swap the beanbag behind
their back to complete the full circle?
Some children may need hand over hand support to learn the ‘feel’ of the movement.
10 rotations may be too many, reduce down the number of rotations and then build up again as the child becomes familiar with the movement. More able children may be able to count whilst moving the beanbag around their body.
© 2016. Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited
Motor Skills