Page 3 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
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Welcome                           What’s inside

        Welcome to the December 2019/
        January 2020 edition of federation -
        the magazine for members of West   04  Chair’s introduction
        Midlands Police Federation.                                               17
          We are always on the look-out for   05  Pensions update
        good news stories so please get in   05  Cash boost for Welfare Support
        touch if you have  something to share
        with colleagues. It does not have to   Programme
        relate to your policing role – though   05  Our Christmas opening times
        we are definitely interested in hearing
        about what’s going on around the   05  Look out for your Federation
        Force. Do you have an interesting      diary
        hobby or perhaps you are involved in
        sport locally, as a player, a manager, a   06  Half of officers regularly
        coach?                                 worrying about their finances
          Just get in touch and let us know.
          We would also be interested to hear   09  Call for safety training to
        what you would like to see featured in   include more hands-on practice
        your magazine.
                                           10  Study period extended for
                                               Force’s trainee detectives           Police Federation centenary
                                           10  ‘I want to make being a              celebration
                                               detective as accessible as
                                               possible’                        21  Within three years of
        Published by:                      11  What is the Detective               retirement?
        XPR (UK) Ltd                                                            22  I want to do the best I can for
        Editor:                                Academy?
        John Williams, deputy chair                                                our members
        Deputy editor:
        Chris Cooper,                        12                                 23  New conduct regs come into
        Member services team leader                                                effect in February
        Design and sub-editing:              More than 300 sign up for          23  Supporting those who need it
        XPR (UK) Ltd
                                             marathon events to show            24  ‘I am proud to be a Fed rep’
        Contact us:                          support for ACC
        Guardians House,                                                        25  ‘There is more to the role than
        2111 Coventry Road,                                                        helping officers in trouble’
        Sheldon, Birmingham,
        B26 3EA                                                                 26  Review of the year 2019
        0121 752 4900                                                           31  Stay in touch with West
        Email:                                                  Midlands Police Benevolent                                                    Fund

        Federation is printed by XPR (UK) Ltd on behalf                         31  Why do more people get
        of West Midlands Police Federation.  13  Supporters’ stories               divorced in January?
        The articles published do not necessarily reflect
        the views of the Branch Council. The editor   15  Band on the run?      33  Supporting you
        reserves the right to reject or edit any material
        Every care is taken to ensure that
        advertisements are accepted only from bona
        fide advertisers. The Police Federation cannot
        accept liability for losses incurred by any   Advertisers
        person as a result of a default on the part of an
        All material is copyright and may not be   02  McAlister, family law    32  Warren & Co, independent
        reproduced without the express permission of
        the editor.                        08  George Burows, financial health check  mortgage advice
                                           14  Care on Demand, Group Insurance   32  Irwin Mitchell, family law
                                              Scheme                            34  Slater & Gordon, family law
                                           16  George Burows, RAC cover         35  NARPO, member services
                                           21  Gorvins, police and family law   35  First Call Financial, independent
                                           30  Police Insure, motor, home and      mortgage advice
                                              motorcycle insurance              36  Slater & Gordon, police law                                 federation December 2019/January 2020      03
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