Page 6 - WMPF Federation June-July 2021_Neat
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Oscar Kilo launches wellbeing
toolkit for investigators
est Midlands Police Federation there to assist officers with their own
has welcomed the launch of a resilience and wellbeing.
Wnew wellbeing toolkit specifically “There are a number of online sessions
designed for investigators. that people can join and I would encourage
The pioneering package has been them to do so.”
carefully created to make sure anyone who The toolkit has been put together after
works in an investigative role feels heard, eight months of work by a National Police
valued and knows where to seek support. Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) working group in close
The comprehensive toolkit is available to collaboration with colleagues from the
all officers and staff via the Oscar Kilo Police Federation, College of Policing, Oscar
website and provides investigators, their Kilo, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of
line managers and leaders with the Constabulary and other force champions.
information they need to build up their The group drew on research, particularly
resilience and continue doing the critical the National Police Wellbeing Service and
jobs they do. the Durham University 2019 Wellbeing
West Midlands Police Federation chair Survey, which found investigators
Jon Nott, himself a detective, said: “We are experienced the lowest levels of wellbeing have an adverse impact on health and
aware of the stresses being placed on across policing, and particularly suffered wellbeing.
investigators within Force due to the from a loss of emotional energy. “It is therefore more important than ever
increase in workload and the current Deputy Chief Constable Jason Hogg, the for officers, staff and supervisors to look
shortage of investigators and detectives. NPCC lead for investigator resilience, said: after themselves and each other and I
“Officers need to be mindful of their “The role of a detective and police staff encourage you to access the resources in
own wellbeing through what has been a investigator (PSI) is incredibly rewarding but this toolkit.”
really difficult period of time. The toolkit is can also be extremely challenging and can Find out more.
New pup named in honour of former ACC
The latest West equally inspirational.”
Midlands Police pup The other pups have been named:
recruits have been Doddie, after rugby union player Doddie
named after Weir; Burrow, after Leeds Rhinos player Rob
inspirational figures Burrow MBE; Darby, after footballer Stephen
affected by motor Darby; Len, after footballer Lenny Johnrose;
neurone disease (MND) Rimmer, after soldier Chris Rimmer (who
including former also set up the MND Warriors support
Assistant Chief group); Moss, after Emma Moss who runs
Constable Chris the Mummy with MND blog; Primrose after
Johnson. Primrose Hospice; Hawkins, after Good
The springer Morning Britain’s Charlotte Hawkins’ work to
spaniel pups have been raise awareness of the disease; Blue, the
named after the ‘MND MND flagship colour; and Rollo, after retired
Heroes’ as a tribute to West Midlands Sergeant John Rollason who
them and to mark MND was also nicknamed Rollo and passed away
Awareness Day earlier last month.
this month (21 June) Jon added: “We can only hope that
with one named Chris’s work spreads through these dogs
Cheeky in honour of with people meeting them and asking what
Chris as that is the their names are and learning about this
nickname his disease. What a wonderful way to raise
colleagues gave him. awareness of MND.”
Chris was Sharon Johnson introduces Chris to Cheeky. In addition, the inspiration for names for
diagnosed with MND in up with the idea of naming our new pups another new litter of police pups has come
2018 but continued working for almost two after MND heroes as a way to honour them from Euros football fever. The seven
years after diagnosis before retiring. He and but he had no idea there were plans to name sprockers, Sterling, Jude, Lineker, Rio, Bronze,
his wife, Sharon, who is also a West one after him to do the same. Keegan and Marcus, were born in mid-June.
Midlands officer, have worked relentlessly “What a great and fitting tribute to our They were named following a huge
since to raise awareness of the terminal former colleague whose life has been response to the Force’s social media request
disease and funds into research around it. devastated by this cruel disease but who for pup names after past or present England
Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police continues to be a hero in so many ways. I players. They should be operational in
Federation, explained: “Chris initially came have no doubt that his namesake will be around 18 months.
06 federation June/July 2021