Page 11 - WMPF Federation FebMar2021-Hi_Neat
P. 11

An officer’s guide to reflective practice

       The Reflective Practice Review Process (RPRP)   CONSISTENCY AND PROPORTIONALITY  and failing to engage could result in the
       aims to give officers and line managers a   To ensure consistency, fairness and   matter being referred for formal
       chance to discuss where things have gone   proportionality, RPRP will be centrally   proceedings or the officer being moved
       wrong and look for ways of addressing   recorded but managed locally by a line   on to the Unsatisfactory Performance
       them.                               manager. It will also be used to establish   Procedure (UPP)
          The RPRP sits above normal       patterns and trends – not only in an   l  The discussion will cover the incident
       management interventions on minor   individual case but also for the Force in   that led to RPRP - learning, training
       matters. The behaviour in question will have   general to identify areas causing problems.  needs, welfare, and actions moving
       been referred to the Professional Standards                                 forward
       Department (PSD) which, along with the line   THE PROCESS                l  It is an opportunity to reflect on what
       manager, will have decided not to take   l  An officer will be informed they are   went wrong, or what could go better
       formal discipline but to deal with any   subject to RPRP, possibly in writing  next time
       shortcomings by this process.       l  They will be invited to give an account of   l  Officers can speak freely because
          Matters may be referred directly from   their actions and the event, with five   matters discussed cannot be used in any
       managers as well as by way of public   working days to respond              misconduct proceedings in the future.
       complaint or other means. It is not a   l  They can seek advice from a Federation
       misconduct finding and is designed to be a   representative              THE REPORT
       way of dealing with relatively low-level   l  They will then be invited to a Reflective   After the discussion, a report will be
       misconduct or performance issues in a   Practice Review discussion with their line   completed by the line manager which will be
       proportionate way.                     manager.                          retained and reviewed as part of the officer’s
          The RPRP cannot be used to block                                      Performance and Development Review
       promotions or job moves. It is not a   THE DISCUSSION                    (PDR). It will include what was discussed, as
       disciplinary process so does not lead to a   l  This will be between the officer and their   well as any actions agreed, if any, moving
       finding of misconduct.                 line manager, a Fed rep cannot attend  forward.
                                           l  There is an expectation of engagement                                         federation February/March 2021       11
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