Page 21 - WMPF Federation FebMar2021-Hi_Neat
P. 21


       (26 per cent) said they believed
       they had contracted coronavirus
       with 45 per cent saying they                              Who responded?
       believed they contracted it             421 responses were received from West Midlands Police, representing a 6% response rate.
       through work-related activities.                  Gender
       But in the West Midlands, only                                                    Rank
       three per cent of respondents said
                                                                            77%  of responses were from Constables
       they have had a positive antigen
       or antibody test – while 26 per                                      15%  of responses were from Sergeants
       cent believed they had contracted     28%              65%
       the virus either based on strong   of responses were received   of responses were received   7%  of responses were from Inspectors
       personal suspicion or medical     from female officers   from male officers   1%  of responses were from Chief inspectors

          The weaponising of the
       Covid-19 virus against police
       officers was revealed to be an
       emerging threat to health and                               Key Findings
       welfare nationally. Almost one in
       three (32 per cent) of all
       respondents reported a member   63%    of respondents said their workload   of respondents said there weren't
                                           was too high or much too high   83%
                                                                                  enough officers in their team/unit to
       of the public who was believed                                             do the job properly
       to carry the virus had purposely
       threatened to breathe or cough       of respondents said that they were    of respondents were in disagreement
       on them, while nearly a quarter   42%     very or extremely concerned over   34%   that they have all the equipment they
                                          having adequate access to COVID-19
       (24 per cent) said someone had     testing                                 personally need to protect them from
                                                                                  COVID-19 whilst at work
       actually done so.
          Over half (55 per cent) had
       been the victim of an unarmed
       physical attack over the
       previous 12 months, and this
       figure increased to 83 per cent
       when only examining                   37%             68%               77%               33%

       responses from officers         reported never or   indicated that their   had experienced feelings of

       working in response,            rarely being able to   overall health was   stress, low mood, anxiety,   reported that their job

                                       take their full rest               or other difficulties with   was very or extremely
       neighbourhood policing,         break entitlement  good or very good  their mental health and   stressful
       custody and roads.                                                 wellbeing over the last 12
          Officers felt undervalued
       for the dangerous work they
       do, and high levels of fatigue
       and occupational stress were      DC&W Survey West     Research and Policy Support
       found in the survey to be         Midlands Police         Natalie Wellington          R042/2021
          John Apter, national chair of the                            5
       Federation, said: “This survey clearly shows
       the huge pressure officers are under policing   pressures that go with it, police officers are      “The results of this survey have come
       the pandemic and the negative impact on   also human beings who are looking after   directly from our members - those police
       their welfare, with half of the respondents   kids, poorly relatives, and have the same   officers who are on the frontline dealing
       saying they have been physically attacked   stresses as everyone else. This survey shows   with whatever society throws at them. The
       and one in three having been threatened by   the harsh reality of policing during a period   increasing level of violence they face,
       someone claiming to have Covid.     when police officers have simply done the   especially involving the ‘weaponising’ of the
          “As well as having an incredibly   best they could to help and protect the   virus, is a sad indictment of the society we
       challenging and demanding job and all the   public.                      live in.
                                                                                   “Government must hear them; they
                                                                                must be given all the protection they need
          Force level figures for breaks,      2016       2018      2020
          rest days annd annual leave                                           to protect themselves and this includes
                                                                                being prioritised for the Covid vaccine. We
       Reported being never or rarely able to take   49%   48%      37%         have had enough of the warm words - we
       full rest break entitlement                                              now need action.”
                                                                                   The biennial survey forms part of PFEW’s
       Reported having two or more rest                                         submission to the Police Remuneration
       days cancelled in the previous 12 months   75%      77%      47%         Review Body, the non-departmental public
       Reported having a request for annual leave   89%    78%      70%         body which provides advice to the
       refused once or more in the previous                                     Government on pay and conditions for police
       12 months                                                                officers at or below the rank of chief
                                                                                superintendent.                                           federation February/March 2021      21
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