Page 29 - WMPF Federation FebMar2021-Hi_Neat
P. 29
Cost of living Reasons for low morale
COST OF LIVING 35 per cent of respondents from West The survey asked respondents about the factors that had a positive or negative impact
Midlands Police reported worrying about on their morale, the table below shows the proportion of respondents in West Midlands
35% of respondents from West Midlands Police reported worrying about the state of their
the state of their personal finances every
Police who said a particular factor has had a negative impact upon their morale
personal finances every day or almost every day. This is lower than the national figure for
day or almost every day. This is lower
compared to the national figures.
than the national figure for England and
England and Wales as a whole, where 37% of respondents reported that they worried about
Wales as a whole, where 37 per cent of
their personal finances every day or almost every day. Negative impact on morale Negative impact on morale
respondents reported that they worried
(England and Wales)
(West Midlands Police)
about their personal finances every day or
Pay and benefits
almost every day.
How often do you find yourself worrying about the state of 74% 73%
(including pension)
How often do you find yourself
your personal finances?
worrying about the state of your Workload and responsibilities 65% 66%
personal finances?
Work-life balance 61% 59%
9% 11% Health and wellbeing 60% 58%
How the police as a whole are treated 93% 90%
The Covid-19 crisis 69% 65%
23% Your pension 73% 69%
The 20,000 officer uplift 12% 12%
Satisfaction with pay
83 per cent of respondents from West Midlands Police told us they do not feel they are
paid fairly for the stresses and strains they have within their job, and 76 per cent said
they are not fairly paid for the hazards they faced within their role. Nationally, 86 per
11% Every day cent of respondents said they were not fairly paid for the stresses and strains of their
23% Almost every day
Every day Almost every day Occassionally Almost never job and 77 per cent said they were not fairly paid for the hazards they faced.
53% Occasionally Comparison of 2020 and 2019 figures for perceptions of fair pay in West Midlands
9% Almost never Police is provided in the table below.
5% Never
2020 2019
Recruitment drive
84% of respondents in West Midlands Police said had that they had enough money to cover 83% 91%
Do not feel fairly paid for the stresses
l 29 per cent felt the Force would be able
all of their essentials either every month or almost every month. In contrast, 6% reported
and strains of their job
to recruit the number of officers
never or almost never having enough money to cover their monthly essentials. Nationally, 76% 83%
allocated to the West Midlands as part
Do not feel fairly paid for the
of the Government’s plans to boost
the proportion of respondents who said they never or almost never had enough money to
hazard faced within their job
officer numbers by 20,000 over a
cover their essentials was 7%.
three-year programme.
The survey was compiled by the national 72 per cent of respondents from West Midlands Police said they are dissatisfied with
58% of respondents from West Midlands Police felt that they were worse off financially
Federation’s research and policy department,
their overall remuneration (including basic pay and allowances) and 61 per cent said
than they were five years ago. This proportion is lower than the equivalent proportion for
which plays a vital part in providing
they are dissatisfied with their pensions. Comparison of 2020 and 2019 figures for pay
strategically important evidence to achieve and remuneration in West Midlands Police is provided in the table below.
better pay and conditions for members.
It generated more than 25,000 2020 2019
responses which is around 20 per cent of all
5 This is an aggregated proportion and may differ slightly from data in the figure below after rounding. For more information on
aggregation of data, please see the Pay and Morale 2020 Technical Annex (R076/2020). Satisfied with total 72% 79%
Federated rank officers across England and
Wales. remuneration
National Federation chair John Apter Dissatisfied with pension 68% 59%
said: “These results should give serious
concern to chief constables and to
“The low morale reported by officers constantly changing Covid rules. officers is considered more now than it has
comes as no surprise, but the police service “Despite doing their very best, they have ever been in the past, there is some good
needs to take its head out of the sand and been turned into the villains of this work going on in some forces, but the
acknowledge we have a serious issue. pandemic by some, damned whatever they benefits of this good work are still not being
“My colleagues take the time to fill in do; and this constant criticism takes its toll. felt by all of our members and that is a
these surveys and give their honest views, so “While it might come as a surprise to serious issue.
it would be a failing by police leaders to some, police officers are human beings; they “This must be seen for what it is, a cry for
ignore what is being said. have their own worries about the virus and help from police officers who need to ensure
“This year, more than ever, officers have the fear that they take it home to their their voice is heard. If these results are
been put under significant pressure, dealing families. ignored by police leaders, then this will be a
with the day job as well as policing the “I accept that the wellbeing of police failing that will be unforgivable.” federation February/March 2021 29