Page 27 - WMPF December-January Magazine.url_Neat
P. 27
March 29 The Police Federation of England and
Wales cancels this year’s national
2 The Force is awarded the seventh conference and postpones the Police
highest share of a £10 million Bravery Awards due to the pandemic.
Government uplift and receives £206,250
to equip a further 250 officers with Taser. May
1 West Midlands Police Federation
secretary Steve Grange welcomes the
Force’s progress in recruiting new
officers as part of the Government’s
three-year pledge to boost officer
numbers by 20,000 over a three-year
New Home Office figures show that
3,005 of the 6,000 recruits expected to
be taken on nationally in Year 1 have
20 A national lockdown is announced to now been recruited and the Force was
stop the spread of coronavirus. This 31 The Force is praised for ensuring officers allocated 366 of these – the second
includes school closures but the have access to personal protective highest allocation of the 43 forces in
Government confirms that children with equipment (PPE) during the coronavirus England and Wales. The Force says it has
at least one parent or carer who is a crisis. recruited 233 of this figure.
police officer can continue to attend John Williams, deputy chair of West
school. Midlands Police Federation, says around
Officers are included in the ‘critical 50,000 face masks have been made
workers’ category and adapt to the crisis available to officers and staff along with
and continue to serve their communities. gloves and hand sanitiser.
23 The Police Federation of England and
Wales sets up a dedicated Covid-19 3 West Midlands Police officer PC Richard
website page to combine all the advice Bracey speaks about his agonising
on the development of the outbreak. decision to move out of his family home
and away from his eight-week-old
24 West Midlands Police Federation chair daughter Isla-Rose and partner Kelly to
Jon Nott repeats pleas for the public to protect them from coronavirus.
stay home and stick to the latest
Government guidance on social 14 Force traffic officers club together to
distancing and large gatherings. donate personal protection equipment
He also backs the Chief Constable’s (PPE) for staff at Erdington’s John Taylor
request for people not to call 101 or 999 Hospice after a social media appeal.
with questions about staying at home.
7 This year’s National Police Memorial Day
Service is cancelled due to the
coronavirus pandemic.
17 Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police
Federation, welcomes harsher automatic
sentences for those using Covid-19 as a
weapon. The interim guidance comes
25 A West Midlands Police detective after officers report being coughed and
inspector swaps his warrant card for a spat at by people claiming to have
bass guitar and releases a charity single coronavirus. 13 The Home Secretary praises police
inspired by Assistant Chief Constable officers for their ‘extraordinary
Chris Johnson’s approach to his Motor 22 A group of Oldbury Neighbourhood professionalism’ and ‘unwavering
Neurone Disease (MND) diagnosis. Team officers solve the problem of dedication’ in meeting the challenges of
Chris Jones had signed up to run the hairdressers and barbers being closed policing during the coronavirus
Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon to raise and raise more than £2,000 for NHS pandemic.
money for the Motor Neurone Disease Charities Together by shaving off their In a letter to the Police Federation of
Association (MNDA) and Primrose own hair. England and Wales, Priti Patel also
Hospice which is supporting Mr Johnson PC John Batsford came up with the idea thanks officers for their ‘incredible work’
and his family. But injury forced him to for the sponsored event while barbers in keeping people safe.
pull out. and hairdressers were shut.
Continued on Page 28 federation December 2020/January 2021 27