Page 11 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2021-flip_Neat
P. 11
Updated policy
urged to use
new BWV
he Police Federation is urging forces to Minister of State, Baroness Williams of
following new guidelines which make Trafford, said “speed is of the essence” when
Tit easier to release body-worn video it comes to police publicising their
(BWV) footage. interactions with the public.
The Federation worked with the National She added: “Selective release of video
Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) which in can paint a very different picture from what
November launched an updated policy on actually happened. This point has been
proactively publishing bodycam footage but made again and again.
only a handful of forces have adopted the “It is absolutely right that these things
new guidelines. be released quickly and brought forward in a
The calls for more forces to enable the way that does not undermine the criminal
release of video come amid fears that justice system that ensues.”
officers are often coming in for criticism Lord Coaker also raised the issue of
when short clips are published on social police being vilified on social media not long
media without context or explanation. after a video surfaced on social media of
West Midlands Police Federation branch officers being criticised for stopping for
chair Jon Nott said: “Selective mobile phone lunch in their vehicle.
footage uploaded on social media can be The national chair said: “It is good to see
taken out of context and often shows just this important issue has been raised in the
one side of the story. House of Lords as we have been pushing for
“It can be incredibly damaging for change in this area over the past year.
officers but can also have an impact on “What is frustrating is that only a
public confidence in the police and faith in handful of forces have adopted the new
the criminal justice process as a whole. guidance issued by the NPCC and many are
“We want more forces to take full not as proactive as they could be.
advantage of the new guidance and be more “It shouldn’t be taking so long to do
proactive in either releasing body-worn something which would support our
video clips or issuing a statement to add colleagues.
context to any material that is circulating “In recent days we have seen officers
online. having camera phones stuffed in their faces
“There are obviously times when the while they dare to eat on duty. It may come
police cannot publish footage and the new as a surprise to some, but police officers are
guidelines recognises this but we have to try human beings and need to stop to eat
to strike a balance.” during the little time they have free. Because
Police Federation national chair John of the demands of the job, lack of police
Apter stepped up his calls for more forces to stations and even fewer police canteens they
follow the guidance after the issue was will sometimes be seen eating in public, this
debated by peers in the House of Lords in should not be breaking news on social
July. media.” federation August/September 2021 11