Page 4 - WMPF Federation Dec-Jan 2021_Neat
P. 4
Chair’s introduction
We must find
ways to seize
the agenda
Bravery Awards last week, with our nominee symbol of authority in local communities for
and regional winner PC Mat Evans, I was many decades continue to close with another
reminded of the irrepressible character, tranche to follow soon. We continue to move
stoicism and tenacity he personifies, but also further away from the public we police, ever
that my colleagues show those qualities day more centralised.
in and day out. Commensurately, we have become more
It is about time this was recognised with reactive as a Force. Preventative, visible,
more than warm words though. Actions proactive community policing is now taking a
speak far louder and this Government must firm back seat. It seems to be the belief that
stop insulting us on pay, pensions and the specialist teams can somehow fill the void
dumbing down of frontline policing or reap left by the demise of local policing; officers
the consequences to public safety and their who know an area, its criminals and the
own electoral prospects. idiosyncrasies that make each locality a
The Force has, of course, continued to different challenge.
evolve, but the pressures on us all have not I believe we cannot solve the endemic
eased; they have grown more acute. Funding violence and knife crime in communities up
is a root cause but I, and many others, and down the West Midlands without
question the efficacy of our operating model restoring that very intimate knowledge and
which has led to deskilling and inflexibility experience that allows us to act with
exemplified by the increasing need to cancel precision, agility and pace. It only comes from
rest days in order to police large, but long experience, good local intelligence, flexibility
known of, events and even routine football and having a local infrastructure to support
fixtures. you - like a custody block.
By Rich Cooke, chair of West Midlands Police Police stations which have been the This is what we urgently need to make
t feels like a long time since I was last “ I believe we cannot solve the endemic violence
chair of West Midlands Police Federation.
ISo much has happened to me personally and knife crime in communities up and down
and within the job. For me the arrival of a new
son, moving house, as well as two years of the West Midlands without restoring that very
pandemic policing during which I received intimate knowledge and experience that allows
one of the nastiest assaults of my career.
Being headbutted by an infectious prisoner us to act with precision, agility and pace. It only
led to several months of anxious worry, a
reminder to me of what colleagues face daily, comes from experience, good local intelligence,
and what motivates me to want to chair our
Federation. flexibility and having a local infrastructure to
I am truly honoured that now my
colleagues and friends have elected me for a support you - like a custody block.
second time to be their voice. At the Police “
04 federation December 2021/January 2022