Page 26 - AP Course Offerings 2022-2023_Neat
P. 26


                                               AP SPANISH LANGUAGE
  Description: The Advanced Placement Spanish Language course adheres to the College Board AP Central®
  course description and is comparable to fifth and sixth semester college and university courses that focus on
  speaking and writing in the target language at an advanced level. The course encompasses listening and
  speaking skills, reading comprehension, comprehensive grammar review, and composition. This course is
  taught entirely in Spanish.

  Skills for Success: The emphasis of the course is on strengthening communicative abilities in Spanish in order
  to demonstrate: strong interactive communicative ability in Spanish in the interpersonal, presentational, and
  interpretive modes; a strong command of Spanish linguistic skills including accuracy and fluency that support
  communicative ability; comprehension of Spanish intended for native speakers in a variety of settings, types
  of discourse, topics, styles, and broad regional variations; ability to produce Spanish comprehensible to
  native speakers in a variety of settings, types of discourse, and topics.

  Academic Suitability: Students who have completed Spanish 3, Spanish 4, Spanish for Natives 2 or have
  completed a placement exam with Mrs. Bradley are eligible.

  Out of Class Commitments: Most of what is learned in the course is accomplished with intensive work in the
  class. Outside work includes studying for quizzes and exams, correcting exams or essays and finishing work
  not completed during class time.

  Summer Work: The summer assignment is designed to keep Spanish skills fresh. It will take approximately 1
  hour per week to complete.

                                                 AP LATIN LANGUAGE
  Description: AP Latin is equivalent to a fifth or sixth semester Latin college or university course. The focus of
  the AP Course is selections from Vergil’s Aeneid and Caesar’s Gallic Wars: the two of the greatest works of
  Latin literature. Students will gain an understanding of the classics through the preparation and translation
  of readings from the selections. Students will learn the following: Roman values, themes of war, empire,
  leadership, history, memory, and outsiders, literary techniques, and the importance of the gods.

  Skills for Success: Students should be comfortable with advanced grammar topics as well as a strong grasp of
  Latin vocabulary. Students are confident in their reading abilities and understanding of basic events in Latin

  Academic Suitability: Students who have completed Latin 3 are eligible for AP Latin.

  Out of Class Commitments: Students will spend the majority of their time in class reading and translating the
  sections from the different works we are reading. Students are expected to keep track of vocabulary words
  they are unfamiliar with and study them at home as well as a grammar list to study from for topics that are
  difficult. Students will be tasked to write thematic essays as the year goes on in preparation for the exam.
  Finally, students will have two major projects they work on throughout the course.

  Summer Work: This is recommended. Vocab studying through the summer for preparation of the materials
  (30 minutes a week)
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