Page 6 - Bath City v Havant & Waterlooville - Tuesday 19 January 2021 - VNLS (v2)
P. 6
the tonic needed to launch your footballing, video
our climb up the table after editing and photography
the latest enforced break. skills as well as some on-
Off the pitch, we are line social events to give
working hard to stay you a chance to recall
engaged in our community some of those terrace
and hopefully you have memories.
seen in the newsletter and The first activity launched
via social media channels in the latest newsletter is
that we are launching a a call to action – show off
new initiative to keep spirits your football skills and be
high. in with the chance to win
With Twerton Park having a signed team football or
to close its doors, and fans Bath City FC Snood. More
remaining at home, we are information can be found
We extend a warm hoping to inject some light on our social channels
welcome this evening to and laughter into 2021 by and please enter by the
our friends from Havant turning to digital channels deadline to be in with a
& Waterlooville for this to replace the matchday- chance of winning.
rearranged league fixture. sized hole in your weeks Enjoy the match and I
Due to periods of isolation and re-ignite some looking forward to the day
both clubs have had their football-based community when we can see you – in
fixture lists badly affected engagement! person - on the terraces!
by the pandemic and Join us over the next few
midweek matches will weeks as we launch a JOY SAUNDERS, COMMUNITY
become a regular feature series of fun activities for DIRECTOR
in order for the season to you and your families
be completed. to get involved with - all
Of course, the Hampshire centred around football
club ended our Cup and the club. There will
dreams back in November be a chance to speak
when they demonstrated to Jerry Gill, First Team
why they are so successful Manager through a zoom
away from Westleigh Park. Q&A kindly hosted by the
A win for City tonight Society, various project-
against the sixth placed based competitions giving
club would certainly be just you a chance to show off