Page 5 - 2023 November Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 5

A Word from Kayla

                           Stick your neck out there and go for it...

                           You only live once; if there is something that is on your heart to

                           try, do not let the fear of failure or coming in last keep you from


                           I get frustrated a lot because in many of the things we do in 4-H,

                           the focus is on the placing.  Though we say that winning isn't

                           everything, it's hard not to get hung up on the color of that ribbon.

                           I feel that focus can sometimes keep people from trying new

                           things because they don't want to be the one getting last place.

                           There is always going to be a first place and there's always going

                           to be a final placing and those two individuals could have put in the

                           same amount of hard work and effort.

                           The journey is what matters the most, and the fact that you
                           worked hard and tried something new.  So here's to sticking our

                           neck out and trying new things.  I recently stuck my neck out and

                           tried my hand at running 26.2 miles in the Chicago Marathon. I

                           was hours from finishing first, but I did it, and I am

                           so very proud!

                           Have a great November everyone!

                           Remember, if you have questions, ASK.  Tiff and I
                           are here to help guide you through your 4-H


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