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                                                                                       Jeff Long
                                                                                       Sales Director

                   Securing Your Retirement

            The Benefits of a GCU Single Premium Immediate Annuity for Guaranteed Income

               n today’s uncertain financial landscape, planning for   that starts immediately. Regardless of how long you live,
               retirement has become increasingly complex. With   you will continue to receive payments, ensuring that you
               volatility  in markets and uncertainty about  the fu-  can maintain your standard of living and cover essential
               ture of social security, many individuals are seeking   expenses throughout retirement.
         Iways to ensure a steady stream of income during        • Predictable  Payments.  SPIAs offer predictable pay-
               their retirement years. One powerful tool that has   ments that are determined at the time of purchase
          gained popularity in recent years is the Single Premium   based on factors such as your age, the amount of the
          Immediate  Annuity  (SPIA).  Offering  peace  of  mind  and   initial investment, and prevailing interest rates. Unlike
          financial security, SPIAs provide a reliable source of guar-  other investment vehicles that may  fluctuate in value,
          anteed income throughout retirement. Let’s explore the   SPIA payments remain stable and consistent, providing
          benefits of this investment vehicle and how it can help you   you with a reliable source of income to budget and plan
          achieve your retirement goals.                        for your retirement expenses.
            What is a Single Premium Immediate Annuity? SPIAs     • Estate Planning Benefits. In addition to providing life-
          are a type of annuity contract where a lump sum of money   time income for the annuitant, single premium imme-
          is deposited with an insurance company in exchange for a   diate annuities can offer estate  planning benefits  for
          guaranteed stream of income that starts immediately, typ-  beneficiaries. With certain annuity riders or contract
          ically within one year of purchase. Unlike other types of   features, you can ensure that any remaining funds are
          annuities that may offer deferred payments, SPIAs provide   passed on to your heirs or designated beneficiaries af-
          immediate income, making them an attractive option for   ter your death. This can provide a valuable legacy for
          individuals who are already retired or nearing retirement   your loved ones while also avoiding the probate pro-
          age and seeking to convert a lump sum of savings into   cess and potential estate taxes.
          guaranteed income.
                                                                Conclusion. As individuals approach retirement, en-
              Benefits of a Single Premium Immediate Annuity   suring a reliable source of income becomes paramount.
             • Guaranteed Income Stream. One of the most compel-  A GCU Single Premium Immediate Annuity offers a com-
            ling benefits of a single premium immediate annuity is   pelling solution, providing guaranteed income protection
            the assurance of a steady income stream for life. Upon   against longevity risk, predictable payments and estate
            purchasing  the  annuity,  payments  begin  immediately   planning benefits. By converting a lump sum of money
            and continue for the rest of your life, regardless of mar-  into a stream of immediate payments, retirees can enjoy
            ket conditions or economic fluctuations. This guaran-  financial security and peace of mind throughout their gold-
            teed income can provide financial stability and peace of   en years. However, it’s essential to carefully evaluate your
            mind, allowing you to enjoy your retirement years with-  financial situation and consult with GCU to determine if a
            out worrying about outliving your savings.        Single Premium Immediate Annuity aligns with your retire-
             • Protection Against Longevity Risk. Outliving your re-  ment goals and risk tolerance. With proper planning and
            tirement savings, also known as longevity risk, is a com-  consideration, a Single Premium Immediate Annuity can
            mon concern for retirees. With a single premium imme-  be a valuable tool in securing your financial future.
            diate annuity, you can mitigate this risk by converting
            a portion of your savings into a lifelong income stream

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