Page 3 - 中国国学与现代管理科学高级导师班暨英国白金汉新大学MBA学位班、牛津大学博士后推荐班
P. 3
Module Description
模块一:立本篇 Module 1:Constructing Foundation: Being People-Oriented,and
以人为本,无为而治 Governance with no Action(four days)
经营管理,以人为本 Enterprise management should be people-oriented
Business Compass can keep the enterprise righteously and
模块二:顺势篇 Module 2:Following Trend:Taking Stock of Market Situation to
审时度势,择机而动 Hit out When Opportunities Present Themselves(four days)
制度政策环境之天势 Heaven trend:Environment of institutional policies
章产业链环境之地势 Earth trend:Environment of industrial chains
市场需求环境之人势 Man trend:Environment of market requirements
模块三:重道篇 Module 3:Observing Law:Self awareness and Establishment of
明心见性,建章立制 Rules and Regulations(four days)
使命乃旗帜 Mission is the flag of action
愿景乃目标 Vision is the objective of action
价值观乃信念信条 Value is the faith of action
模块四:练术篇 Module 4:Practicing Measure:Determination of Policies and Layout
谋篇布局,守正出奇 for Action in Time to Surprise Market Rival(four days)
战略,判断力 Strategy serves judgement power
战术,致胜力 Tactics determine swinning power
组织,执行力 Organization generat esexecution power
模块五:砺器篇 Module 5:Sharpening Implement: Preparation of Resources for Use
欲善其事,厉兵秣马 in Market Competition(four days)
技术,企业存之基石 Technology is the foundation of enterprise existence
产品,企业价值载体 Product is the bearer of enterprise value
服务,软实力 Service is the softpower of enterprise
Module 6:Pursuing Interest: Benefit People Pursue(four days)
内利-攘外必先安内 Internal interest: Internal construction prior to market action
外利-共赢共发展 External interest: Win-win policies for co-development
社会-我为人人,人人为我 Society interest: Serve people to get served
模块七:修为篇 Module 7:Keeping cultivation: Study for Application and
学以致用,运筹帷幄 Strategy for Action(four days)
BC 经营模型测评法 Evaluation method of BC business model
经营罗盘之未来适用性 Future applicability of business compass
经营罗盘之诊断案例 Cases of diagnosis in application of business compass