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Message from the Board Chair

                            Dear Friends,
                            I am pleased to share with you the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2019/20 Annual Report. This report covers a season like no other, cut
                            short due to the global coronavirus pandemic which required us to cancel the last two concert series of the season and send our staff home
                            to work remotely in safety while the nation came to terms with an uncertain spring and summer of 2020.
                            I hope we can take a moment to celebrate the season that took place prior to the interruption, and recapture the truth of the season’s theme:
                            “The Music is the Magic.”
                            Music is magical indeed – and how fortunate are we to come together to experience the magic every time we meet at the concert hall! The
                            magic happens, but we need to acknowledge all of the hard work that goes into creating magical moments, and thank Steven Karidoyanes,
            Kim Corben, the staff and musicians for all of the rehearsal and work that takes place behind the scenes throughout the year! I am grateful for the dedication of the Phil
            Though shorter than a typical season, financially the Phil ended the fiscal year in good financial standing due to the continued support of our ticket buyers, advertisers,
            sponsors and donors. We could not thrive as an organization without their support, and for this we say, thank you.
            And finally, thank you for the honor of serving as Board Chair. It is a joy to serve alongside my fellow Directors who care deeply about this wonderful orchestra. We are
            privileged to be part of the Phil family, and will work hard to ensure the Phil is stronger than ever for the future.
            Warm regards,
            Paul F. Jean
            Chair, Board of Directors

            Message from the Executive Director

                            Reflecting back on the 2019-2020 season, it’s easy  I have always chosen to look at the bright side and just a few of the things I am
                            to get caught up in all the challenges we have faced  especially grateful for this year are:
                            during the pandemic. Especially since it is not over yet.     Our Board of Directors.  Their leadership and guidance have been invaluable
                            But as I write this, I’m struck by how much good has   during this unprecedented time.  I am humbled by their confidence in me and
                            come about. We were able to get in the majority of   my team.
                            our season and enjoyed concerts up until the end of
                            March. Unfortunately, the March 28 concert, which   My small but mighty team.  Their jobs have changed somewhat, but they
                            was to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Plymouth   are busier than ever.  Most of the work they do is not in the concert hall, but
                            had to be cancelled. What happened next warmed my   preparing us for what will come next and they haven’t missed a beat. Their
            heart and gave me hope for our future.  More than 50% of ticket holders for that   flexibility to pivot and do what is necessary for the organization is so appreciated.
            concert turned their tickets into donations. I am so grateful. Generosity like that  Our advertisers and sponsors who continue to support us during these
            will get us through the coming months.             difficult times. We know your businesses are suffering too and I’m hopeful that,
            Looking back at our 104-year history, it has been acts of individual leadership   together, we can all emerge stronger than ever.
            and generosity that provided the inspiration necessary to ensure our success.  Most especially, our donors – big and small. You are the key to making sure that
            2020 amplified that message and we need that more than ever as the pandemic  when the dust settles, we can open our doors and begin playing music again and
            continues to affect our organization, our musicians and our ability to perform  enjoying it together.
            concerts. While many arts organizations furloughed employees and put all plans   Until we can return to the concert hall, I remain inspired, grateful and confident
            on hold, with the help of the payroll protection program, we have kept our small   that we will be able to enjoy live music again soon.  We need music in our lives
            but mighty team intact and on point so that we’re poised to return to the concert   and in our community now more than ever.
            hall as soon as it is safe to do so. There will be nothing more healing than music
            and friends in a post-pandemic world.              My sincerest gratitude,
            We exceeded our FY2020 budget due to the successful concerts we were able to   Kim Corben
            perform and most importantly the generosity of our donors, sponsors, advertisers.
                                                               Executive Director

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