Page 18 - Phil Ivers benefit concert program DIGITAL_Neat
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Fiddler Eileen Ivers plans benefit

        concert for the Plymouth

        Philharmonic Orchestra

        She will be joined by unIVERSal Roots for a show
        spanning multiple musical styles and traditions at
        Plymouth Memorial Hall next month.

        by David R. Smith

        PLYMOUTH — Whether playing fast and  connections stretch across continents.
        joyful or slow and mournful, there’s one   Her parents were both born in County
        thing Eileen Ivers knows well: “You can’t   Mayo in the west of Ireland, but they
        fake it on the fiddle,” she said.    didn’t meet until their late teens in New
        For three decades now, Ivers has brought  York City, where her father was renting a
        the sound and soul of her instrument to  room from her aunt.
        global audiences.                    The couple married and settled in the
        She and her band, unIVERSal Roots,  Bronx, but Ireland – and its music – was
        will bring their eclectic and educational  never far away.
        performance to Memorial Hall on      It was through listening to the Celtic
        Saturday, March 11, in a benefit concert   songs her parents played that a 9-year-
        for the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra   old Ivers found herself drawn to the
        that will explore music from Africa to the   fiddle.
        Appalachians with more than just a brief
        stop in Ireland.                     After initially pushing for Eileen to learn
                                             piano, her mother gave in and hired
        Although the Phil will not be performing   instructor Martin Mulvhill to teach her
        that evening, Ivers has played with other   daughter the violin.
        orchestras on numerous occasions.
                                             “I just gravitated towards it,” she said. “I
         “I love the power of playing with an
        orchestra,” she said, “I’m thrilled to just
        do this performance and help in any way
        I can.”
        All ticket sale proceeds go directly to the
        orchestra, whose 107th season is well

        Summers in Ireland, school in the

        Like her musical interests, Ivers’ family

                      A young Eileen Ivers with violin
                          instructor Martin Mulvhill
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