Page 2 - Phil Ivers benefit concert program DIGITAL_Neat
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Message from the Executive Director

        Welcome to the Phil’s fundraising concert featuring the

        dynamic and talented Eileen Ivers! We are so happy to
        see friends old and new coming together to listen to
        great music, all to benefit the Plymouth Philharmonic      From the Executive Director
        Orchestra.                                                 Welcome,

                                                                 As you settle in for tonight’s wonderful concert, I’d like to take a moment to tell you about
        The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra played its first concert in 1913.
                                                                 another concert we have coming up on Friday, November 18 at 7pm.  Last year, for the first
                                                                 time, the Phil partnered with America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Celebration to bring you a
        Today’s orchestra comprises all professionally-trained musicians who
                                                                 very special concert the night before the big parade.  It was so successful; we were invited to
                                                                 do it again this year.
        bring world-class precision, skill, and dedication.        The concert, conducted by Steven Karidoyanes, will feature violinist Grant Houston. The
                                                                 first half will include cherished American classics, followed by Mozart’s stellar Violin
                                                                 Concerto No. 5 and a fiery rendition of Vittorio Monti’s Czardas. Tickets are only $30.
        Under the guidance of Music Director and Conductor Steven
                                                                 Since this is only the second year for this concert, it is most likely not part of your
                                                                 subscription package – but you can add it by calling Erin in the Box Office.
        Karidoyanes, the Phil has become a major cultural force playing to

                                                                 You’re not going to want to miss this, so make sure you get your tickets soon.
        critical acclaim, premiering pieces from leading composers, performing

                                                                 The Phil
                                                                       is honored to participate in America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Celebration. The
                                                                 weekend of festivities has become a beloved holiday occasion as well as an important link to
        with world-renowned soloists, and selling out many of its concerts.
                                                                 our nation’s history and heritage.

                                                                 Hope to see you there,
        Beyond the concert season, the Phil presents a wide range of

        live music and educational programs to people of all ages and
                                                                 Kim Corben
                                                                 Executive Director
        backgrounds. Working with educators, leaders, and community
        partners, the Phil’s reach extends across the South Shore, serving as
        an innovator and advocate for music for all.
        As a non-profit, the Phil depends on donations and sponsorships to
        bridge the gap where our affordable ticket prices - another facet of
        our mission - fall short. Thank you for joining us for tonight’s benefit
        concert; we are thrilled to present the talented and inspiring artists
        Eileen Ivers & unIVERSal Roots. On behalf of our musicians, staff, and
        those who will benefit from the work and mission of the Phil...thank


        Kim Corben
        Executive Director
        Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
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