Page 3 - Phil AHTC program book
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season, the Phil presents a wide range of live
music and educational programs to people
The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra (the of all ages and backgrounds. Working with
Phil) is a premier non-profit cultural institu- educators, leaders, and community part-
tion in Massachusetts. Dedicated to artistic ners, the Phil reaches well beyond Plymouth,
excellence and community enrichment, the serving as an innovator and advocate for
Phil offers world-class performances, inno- music for all.
vative outreach programs, and strong com- Now in its 109th Season, the Phil played its
munity partnerships. The Phil’s mission is to first concert on December 28, 1913, under
inspire, engage, and entertain through the the organization and imagination of G. Her-
power of live music. The Phil plays to criti- bert Clarke, a Kingston violin teacher with
cal acclaim, premieres pieces from leading a passion for music and a vision of shared
composers, and performs with world-re- musical fellowship and community. With
nowned soloists. the exception of two years during World
The orchestra is comprised of professional- War II, the orchestra has been in continuous
ly-trained musicians who come from diverse operation since 1913. In 1973 the orchestra
academic backgrounds, a variety of coun- became a chartered, non-profit corpora-
tries, and who bring a world-class level of tion and experienced a period of significant
precision, skill, and dedication. growth in both programming and support.
The Phil is a major cultural force in south-
eastern Massachusetts. Beyond the concert
Conductor, composer and educator Neal hassee Symphony (with
Hampton brings a wealth of varied experi- jazz great Marcus Roberts), The Springfield
ence to the podium. Mr. Hampton has held (MA) Symphony, and London’s Westminster
the post of Assistant Conductor of the Plym- Philharmonic on their concert tour to Nova
outh Philharmonic for over 10 years and re- Scotia. His recent work includes leading sev-
cently celebrated his 20th year as Founder eral performances with the Plymouth Phil-
and Director of the Brandeis-Wellesley Or- harmonic and serving as a cover conductor
chestra. He currently serves on the faculties for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Past con-
of Brandeis University and Wellesley Col- ducting posts include Music Director of the
lege, where his responsibilities have includ- Genesee (NY) Symphony, the Lowell (MA)
ed teaching courses on jazz and musical Philharmonic, Founder/Conductor of the
theater. Boston College Symphony Orchestra and
Associate Director for Orchestra Activities
Mr. Hampton’s musical adaptation of Jane
Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, with book and at the Boston University School of Music.
lyrics by Jeffrey Haddow, received its world Born in New York City and raised in Phila-
premiere at the Denver Center Theatre delphia, Mr. Hampton holds degrees in con-
Company in 2013. Staged by Tony-nomi- ducting and composition from the Eastman
nated director Marcia Milgrom Dodge and School of Music and the Boston University
featuring several Broadway veterans, the School of Music. Further conducting studies
production enjoyed a sold-out, extended include master classes at the Pierre Mon-
run. This past June the musical played to teux School for Conductors, the Conductor’s
capacity houses at Cornwall’s Minack The- Retreat at Medomak, and at the Seminar
atre and is set for a UK touring production for Conductors at the Tanglewood Music
in Spring and Summer 2025. Center. Mr. Hampton also attended the
prestigious BMI Lehman Engel Musical The-
Mr. Hampton’s engagements have includ-
ed performances with the Savannah Sym- atre Workshop, where the idea for Sense &
phony, The Rhode Island Philharmonic, Sensibility, The Musical was born.
The Handel and Haydn Society, The Talla-