Page 14 - HEPACO 401(k) Summary Plan Description
P. 14
Your Account
Your contributions and the contributions we make for you are credited to your account.
Your account equals the current value of these contributions.
Investing Your Account
Contributions made to your account are invested to provide benefits under the plan. We
decide which investment options are available for your account.
Many investment options have charges and restrictions that apply when you remove
money or transfer funds. The dollar amount that can be removed or transferred may be
restricted along with the dates on which such transactions can be made. The plan
administrator can tell you more about these charges and restrictions and when they will
You decide how to use the investment options for your contributions and the contributions
we make for you.
If you do not make an investment choice, we will apply the investment options as directed
by other documents related to the plan.
The plan administrator will tell you more about the investment options.
Vesting in Your Account
The part of your account to which you always have a right is called your vested account.
You are always 100% vested in the part of your account resulting from the following:
· 401(k) elective deferral contributions
· qualified nonelective contributions
· rollover contributions (see Part 6)
You have a right to a percentage of your account resulting from all other contributions.
This is your vesting percentage.