Page 18 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 20th July 2020
P. 18


       Payback on pump retrofit

       project is measured in weeks

       Sulzer saves energy and reduces emissions for oil platform with revised pump design
                recent move to further
              reduce emissions caused
              by  excessive  energy
       Aconsumption has seen
       the Norwegian government offering
       funding to companies that lessen
       their contribution to CO2 and NOx
       figures. One oil platform in the
       North Sea took the opportunity to
       rerate two condensate export
       pumps which would not only reduce
       energy consumption but also
       optimize performance for the
       remaining life of the well.
         Governments are issuing increasingly stringent   Pump retrofits involve the upgrade or
       targets for greenhouse gas emissions as well as   modernization of existing equipment to improve
       other pollutants, to encourage companies to take an   reliability, increase efficiency, take advantage of
       active role in improving our environment for the   modern materials or, as in this case, adjust for a
       future. Cutting energy consumption not only saves   change in the process. This is a cost-effective
       money, it also helps to extend our natural resources   alternative to replacing equipment and can also
       and reduces pollution.               save a considerable amount of time.
                                              Originally commissioned in 2001, the oil
       Optimising performance               platform in the North Sea had been in production
       Oil and gas platforms use a large number of pumps   for nearly 20 years. Over this time the application
       for a range of applications. As the wells are   profile of the pumps had changed, and some had
       exploited so the pumping profile changes, and the   become less efficient, while others were beginning
       hydraulic design of the pumps may need to be   to exhibit increased vibration due to low flow
       revised to deliver the most efficient service. There   conditions.
       comes a point where the cost of a pump retrofit will   The owners of the platform wanted to address
       be recovered from the savings generated by   these operational issues as well as reduce energy
       improved performance.                consumption, which would reduce operating costs.

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p18
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