Page 8 - Industrial Technology September 2020 issue
P. 8



         Making digitalisation and

         Industry 4.0 a physical reality


               he global manufacturing industry spends a great   assemble products. So, we chose a demonstration
               deal of time and effort discussing digitalisation   application which contains representative tasks that are
               and how it will affect production in the future.   easily transferred into other industrial applications.”
         THowever, many of the ideas and principles   The Productivity Master takes blank USB memory
         remain abstract, and it is often difficult to portray the   sticks from typical cassettes and prints and places labels
         many facets of digitalisation in manufacturing in one   on both sides of the stick. It then loads a custom set of
         place.                                   data on the stick and distributes the stick to the recipient
           “The need to give assurance to procurement teams   from its buffer storage location. Many typical machine
         and the C-suite that their investment in Industry 4.0 and   functions can be seen throughout the process, such as
         digitalisation is not just a leap of faith but a sound   pick and place, component flipping, rotation functions,
         business decision is a practical dilemma for many an   rotary table control, vacuum and gripper handling, typical   maintenance manager for production managers and
         engineer or operations manager,” says Steve Sands, head   label printing and placement, magazine indexing, storage   system operators. ‘Smartenance’ from Festo provides the
         of product management at Festo GB. The company has   location logging, vision sensing, orientation checking and   maintenance engineers with a clear schedule and
         taken steps to address this problem by developing a 5m   placement’ and component transfer   evaluation for the Productivity Master’s maintenance and
         long production line, named ‘The Productivity Master’,   With cloud connectivity, the Productivity Master is an   offers a fast and easy transition to digital maintenance.
         that attempts to bring often abstract ideas into reality (see   ideal showcase to demonstrate the advantages of the   The system consists of two parts: a mobile
         panel).                                  virtual world on a physical machine. The machine   maintenance schedule in the form of an app for
           The objective of the Productivity Master is not to focus   operates a fully automated ‘lot size one’ process, allowing   smartphones and tablets on the shop floor, and a web
         on any single product from Festo, but to showcase   orders for USB memory sticks to be fulfilled online from   browser interface for managing and documenting the
         Industry 4.0 technology and connectivity capability. So,   anywhere in the world, producing a customised QR code   maintenance tasks in the office. “Smartenance is quick
         not only can the machine demonstrate the seamless   for the personalised stick. The user can then redeem their   and easy for anyone to install, self-explanatory and a
         connectivity needed to meet the needs of the future   order from the cloud, via the screen or by scanning their   simple and cost-effective introduction to digitalisation,”
         factory, it will also reach into the cloud and explore the   QR code on a Festo Vision Sensor on an exhibition stand.   says Sands.
         world of digital twins, multiple communication   The USB stick will then be produced immediately, printed   The Productivity Master also takes advantage of the
         networking, big data and online cloud diagnostics.   with the users’ personal message, loaded with   Festo Dashboards in the cloud. The CPX automation
           Sands says: “While the factory of the future will stretch   personalised data and stored, ready to be called off by a   platform, pneumatic service units and servo drives are all
         the boundaries of connectivity, big data, virtual   second scan of the code.       connected to the virtual world via the IoT gateway.
         commissioning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), what will   Like the real Festo factory in Scharnhausen, Germany,   Operators can immediately gain access to the most
         not change much is the way factories will make or   the Productivity Master utilises the latest digital   important data generated by the machine: such as
                                                                                            temperature, current and speeds of servos, analogue and
                                                                                            digital signals and errors. Air pressure and air
          THE PRODUCTIVITY MASTER IN DETAIL                                                 consumption can also be monitored and changes logged,
                                                                                            enabling prediction of potential problems in the future.
          The Productivity Master is 5m long and constructed of   individual cell control, communicating cyclic data to   Data can be accessed anywhere in the world and both live
          five individual cells that can be replaced with different   Festo servo drives, pneumatic valve terminals and   and historical data can be viewed without any
          functions. This introduces the challenge of not just   sensors via EtherCAT and IO Link. In turn, each cell   programming or set up, due to the preconfigured nature of
          communication between automation equipment in a   communicates along the machine using Ethernet, with   the dashboards.
          cell, but also the communication between discreet cells.   the final connections using OPC-UA directly to the cloud   “There is a real need to find ways of making Industry
          Each cell utilises a Festo CPX-E motion controller as the   via the Festo IoT gateway.   4.0 and digitalisation concepts far more understandable
                                                     Motion in modern automation is provided by both   and accessible if we are to encourage the levels of
                                                   electrical and pneumatic means. The Productivity   investment required to equip our factories for the future,”
                                                   Master represents this mix with low voltage and extra   observes  Sands.  “Festo’s  Productivity  Master
                                                   low voltage drives, seamlessly working closely with   demonstrates how many different technologies that are
                                                   traditional valve terminals and the innovative intelligent   already available can be combined to achieve major
                                                   pneumatic Motion Terminal from Festo, the VTEM. In all   improvements  in  automation,  operations  and
                                                   aspects of automation, the choice of technology is   maintenance.”
                                                   seamless from both pneumatic and electric grippers to   By bringing typical application examples onto the
                                                   ball screw and pneumatic mini slide systems.   Productivity Master, Festo aims to make it easier for all
                                                                                            those involved in the decision-making process to associate
                                                   The Productivity Master is a highlight of the Festo   Industry 4.0 and digitalisation to real life and therefore see
                                                   virtual fair called ‘Industrial Transformation; Smart.   how future digitalisation principles can be applied to
                                                   Flexible. Digital’. To see it in action alongside other   production lines today.
                                                   highlights visit   MORE INFORMATION:

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